DNS Dictionary?


Jan 28, 2002
What I'm looking to do is look for domains (not to rigistered but ones that are inuse) dictionary based style I'm trying with google right now but I'm having trouble.

anyone know a place or how to do that?
Man, I've tried, but I just can't figure out what it is you're asking...

I can get past the spelling:
"inuse"=in use

But if we remove the parentheses and look at the sentence:
"What I'm looking to do is look for domains dictionary based style", it makes no sense.
I assume there's supposed to be a period after "style", but I'm not sure.
No idea what you're trying to ask. Try again.
So you want a list all domains that are currently registered in an alphabetical format??

Thats alot of domains man...

I doubt there is such a thing...

Just goto every website starting from a-z and so on creating a list...


probably could write a little script using bash/nslookup/sed to do what you want though...just would take umm forever

and if its for spamming purposes, then you should go kill yourself:mad:
cause I'm weird like that :D

Just looking for a searchabe list, I thought i could make google do it but i can't seem to get it to do ti anymore, I don't want a text file of the root server or anything THAT WOULD BE HUGE :eek:

hmmm... just thinking it would make it easy to find weirdly spelled sites and give you knowledge of sites that have been registered that are off spellings of real ones.
ohhhh but that takes the fun out of late night surfing and mistyping something and being bombarded with pr0n popups!!