Dlink router vs. Smoothwall


[H]F Junkie
Aug 17, 2000
If I was using a Dlink 624, and changed to smoothwall express would I have more security? Or about the same??

you'd have a few more features, which isn't necesarily the same as more security. I'd recon the security would be about the same.

to me, the reason to switch is that you'd have a much more reliable piece of equipment. i couldn't find a torrent friendly soho router so i ended up setting up a *nix router.
Smoothwall, IPcop, etc. are merely customized linux distributions which are designed from the ground up for security and network routing/firewall/NAT/DHCP and even caching DNS performance. These require a PC platform to run on and replace a physical router.

Your router is a piece of dedicated hardware which loads firmware from a ROM to perform relatively simple functions like DHCP, DNS and SPI Firewall. There is also generally a hardware switching function if there is an integrated switch in the device.

They are relatively the same -- however like was mentioned, Smoothwall/IPcop both offer you "more" in the way of features. You can run detailed access logs because of the hard drive in the system, you can actively monitor your network, you can block/filter/allow an almost unlimited amount of data if you choose to do so, etc.

If you're willing to dedicate a box to be a firewall or -need- the extra monitoring capabilities then go for a Smoothwall or IPcop box. If you just want basic functionality and don't mind limited logging, go for a dedicated piece of routing equipment.
I went to a linux based firewall for the added features.. I'm running clarkconnect (clarkconnect.org) on a old 200mhz box with 64mb of ram and a 2gb drive.

My favorite things are
Squid caching (great for windows updates on repaired pcs).
Content filtering (blocking known spyware sites when I have guests that use the pcs..)
Snort intrustion detection
Bandwidth limiting based by port for bittorrent
And I'm planning on adding a wireless nic and making it a AP..

Certainly a system worth expermenting with if you have a old machine you could use..
