Ditching comcast, Going FiOS! (fun times!)


Jul 30, 2009
Since comcast didn't want to let me keep my old number when I moved and fios said "yes we can let you keep that old number"...

Waited Monday for the fios guy to show. no one ever came by the allotted time. Called them at 12pm to find out a simple question "where you at?!".
The first guy I spoke to must have been new because he took FOREVER to type my name and address into his computer. When it came time for him to transfer me to the repair department he transferred me to the Boston Mass repair office (I'm in Maryland). needless to say both the guy on the other end and me were confused by this. So he gives me "the correct number", I thank him and dial the number. "this number is no longer used by Verizon, please call 1-800-Verizon"... YAY DEAD END! :mad:
it was about 12:30 at this point

Call up 1800-Verizon again. wait on hold for a bit. give him my info. he puts me on hold while he dials another department.
he picks up about 3-5 minutes later just to say he hasn't forgot about me and that he was about to find out what was going on. then puts me on "hold" again. I hear a "click" then my cell gives me the tone that the call has ended?! UGH!!! 1:00ish

Last round of me playing nice... I wait about 10-15 minutes before calling so I don't go off on someone at the drop of a hat... (having worked their end of the phone I know what it's like to have a mad person on the other end who should have calmed down before calling).
call again, wait on hold for 3-5 minutes, explain to the customer rep that I've been transferred to the wrong department, and accidentally hung up on and all I want to know is why the install guy hasn't shown up yet. The kind lady on the other end gladly helped me out and finally got a answer after another 10-20 minutes of her putting me on hold while she calls another department (periodically checking to tell me she hasn't forgotten about me). She got the right department, and transfers me there. Turns out that comcast must have thought I said "cancel service" where I actually said "cancel the install at the new place".
The Verizon rep then told me that the only thing holding things up was the release of the number from the old carrier (comcast). YAY!!
The time I finally got this answer was 2pm... YAY Go Verizon team!!! granted some of that time was time spent cooling off so 1:15-1:30 total time spent.

Got a call a few hours later while I was at work from a Verizon rep about the hookup. more details included the fact that since Comcast has a canceled account they won't release the number until after 30 days from the cancellation date. So I asked to see if they will provide a temp number while we wait for the old number to be released. Lady said that they should be able to and will call me back when they have more info for me.

That was two days ago.

So the wait continues...

For now my Motorola Droid is my access to the net with a great app called "PDANet". So I can still use my computer for net access. Just not at the old speeds of comcast's 15/7. Currently my ping times are pretty lame for nearby servers and if someone farts in the wrong direction my speeds can get to 56k territory. Gotta reboot the phone often to get a good connection (normally once or twice a day).
On a good day the speeds aren't half bad. They are typically around 1.7mb/s down .5-1mb/s up.

It sure will be nice when I get the 25/25 package :D

So how do you like FiOS? any issues?

Clifs? I'm not good at those. Read the post I spent 10 minutes typing out. It's not THAT long of a read :p
I like FiOS, the only issue I've had is that my ONT has acted up twice essentially requiring a remote reboot by the techs on the help line.

Are you going to be using just internet or TV as well? If you're just getting the internet connection, have them wire up the cat5 so you can use your own router :)
Join the club. It's amazingly fast and I've never looked back. I believe there's a 50/20 package out. :D You would have a connection faster than T3.
FIOS kicks ass but they increase your monthly bill after 1 year.
Not in my case, I signed up to have them keep the same price for 2 years.

I like FiOS, the only issue I've had is that my ONT has acted up twice essentially requiring a remote reboot by the techs on the help line.

Are you going to be using just internet or TV as well? If you're just getting the internet connection, have them wire up the cat5 so you can use your own router :)
How often did your ONT go out on you?

I'm getting all three, TV, INetz and phone.
I thought you HAD to use the router they provide for you?
Not in my case, I signed up to have them keep the same price for 2 years.

How often did your ONT go out on you?

I'm getting all three, TV, INetz and phone.
I thought you HAD to use the router they provide for you?

For the TV you do.. sadly.

I myself do not use it, and just have business 35/35 internet only w/ a pile of statics, it is quite nice.
You do not HAVE to use the router they provide but you do need to keep it in place for the TV boxes to receive guide data.

Mine right now is bridged on my network off the main router, turned off NAT/DHCP. When my Tivo boxes get here tomorrow I will remove the fios router completely.
How often did your ONT go out on you?

I'm getting all three, TV, INetz and phone.
I thought you HAD to use the router they provide for you?

It didn't go completely out, but rather the speeds were really really slow for what it should have been (30 seconds to load google.com...that slow). It happened twice in the first two months but since then I have had no issues. I think it may have been a fluke, but figured I'd give you a heads up :) If it happens again though, I'm definitely going to complain.

You need their router for the data stream for their Set Top Boxes, if you only need internet or have your own STB then you don't need to use their router.

I'm tempted to upgrade to their new top tier for a month or two just to try out that uber-fast speed.
Another question that I came across, does FiOS allow servers? Like I will very likely setup a low traffic personal web server. I read through the TOS they sent me in the mail and nothing in there hinted at "NO" or "YES" for that matter.

For the TV you do.. sadly.

I myself do not use it, and just have business 35/35 internet only w/ a pile of statics, it is quite nice.
Oh nice! How much is that a month for business 35/35? And will they allow servers?

You do not HAVE to use the router they provide but you do need to keep it in place for the TV boxes to receive guide data.

Mine right now is bridged on my network off the main router, turned off NAT/DHCP. When my Tivo boxes get here tomorrow I will remove the fios router completely.
Ok that's quite nice then. So long as I can control what goes in and out with my router and branch off like you did with the fios router. That should work well.

It didn't go completely out, but rather the speeds were really really slow for what it should have been (30 seconds to load google.com...that slow). It happened twice in the first two months but since then I have had no issues. I think it may have been a fluke, but figured I'd give you a heads up :) If it happens again though, I'm definitely going to complain.

You need their router for the data stream for their Set Top Boxes, if you only need internet or have your own STB then you don't need to use their router.

I'm tempted to upgrade to their new top tier for a month or two just to try out that uber-fast speed.
30 seconds to load the fastest loading page on the web? Yikes! Yeah that sounds like a fluke for sure.

Thanks for the info on their router. I'm looking forward to getting fios and will post meh speeds when I finally get the hookup.
Another question that I came across, does FiOS allow servers? Like I will very likely setup a low traffic personal web server. I read through the TOS they sent me in the mail and nothing in there hinted at "NO" or "YES" for that matter.

IIRC, the official stance is that servers are not allowed, but they have a very hands off approach and don't actively police it. I think SMTP through default port is blocked, but that's about it.

Given how I hear Comcast is not exactly the friendliest ISP in terms of filtering/portblocking/packet shaping, I think FiOS will be a breath of fresh air for you :)

you rang? :p

But seriously, FiOS kicks ass. I can't imagine not having my 25/25. It will be sad day if I ever have to go back to DSL or cable speeds.
I rang for oops, not 00PS. Sheesh. :p
Oh nice! How much is that a month for business 35/35? And will they allow servers?

I have about 3 dozen production systems between physical/virtual running here. And I pay over $200/mo for it.
IIRC, the official stance is that servers are not allowed, but they have a very hands off approach and don't actively police it. I think SMTP through default port is blocked, but that's about it.

Given how I hear Comcast is not exactly the friendliest ISP in terms of filtering/portblocking/packet shaping, I think FiOS will be a breath of fresh air for you :)

I rang for oops, not 00PS. Sheesh. :p
I don't think I'll be running a mail server so SMTP doesn't matter too much to me. I did do some basic/very lite web serving on comcast and they didn't seem to block it.
It's good to hear that fios is friendlier then comcast when it comes to simply letting me have what I download at the speed I pay for. instead of always seeing that stupid throttling BS that comcast does and put a fancy name on it "speedboost". I always saw that as "here's the speed you're actually getting, but wait we need to throttle that because you're sharing with the people around you". I get it, they did that so they don't have one bozo hogging the whole neighborhood's bandwidth... still it would be easy to simply let you have most of that bandwidth unless they see you as a heavy user pegging your connection 24/7.

Yeah it will be nice if I can ever get the installer here :)

I have about 3 dozen production systems between physical/virtual running here. And I pay over $200/mo for it.
Yikes! :eek: Then again, that's a completely open i-net connection with business class support. Cheaper then other business class solutions and likely more reliable. :cool:
I have about 3 dozen production systems between physical/virtual running here. And I pay over $200/mo for it.

Dang, for $200 I could get the 150/35 tier...but then again yours is a business connection with different needs :)
Dang, for $200 I could get the 150/35 tier...but then again yours is a business connection with different needs :)

I'll be getting that tier as soon as it is available as well, only will raise my $/mo about 60 bucks, heh.

If only they offered more upload..
Props to you for cooling down and not taking it out on the person on the other end. :)
I've been working helpdesk for the past 3 or so years and 3 months last year I did customer service. I know all too well what it's like for the people on the other end of that phone.

Anyway, back to the topic of the thread :D
Verizon called me back today. Had to do some footwork of my own to reactivate the number with comcast so that the port will go smoothly. I'll know something for sure by Tuesday or so. if they don't call me I'll call them to make sure all is well.

Install day is Thursday.

I can't wait :D
IIRC, the official stance is that servers are not allowed, but they have a very hands off approach and don't actively police it. I think SMTP through default port is blocked, but that's about it.

Given how I hear Comcast is not exactly the friendliest ISP in terms of filtering/portblocking/packet shaping, I think FiOS will be a breath of fresh air for you :)

I rang for oops, not 00PS. Sheesh. :p

Yep, Verizon FiOS is definitely more "port friendly" than Comcast.

Verizon FiOS Residential - all TCP ports allowed outbound except port 25
Verizon FiOS Business - all TCP ports allowed outbound
Verizon FiOS Business - all UDP ports allowed outbound
Comcast Residential - these TCP ports are blocked outbound 135-139,445,1723

results obtained with www.firebind.com Java client
I've been working helpdesk for the past 3 or so years and 3 months last year I did customer service. I know all too well what it's like for the people on the other end of that phone.

Anyway, back to the topic of the thread :D
Verizon called me back today. Had to do some footwork of my own to reactivate the number with comcast so that the port will go smoothly. I'll know something for sure by Tuesday or so. if they don't call me I'll call them to make sure all is well.

Install day is Thursday.

I can't wait :D
Guess I should update the thread... FiOS is still waiting to be installed. Had to wait a full month after I canceled with Comcast so the number is finally released. This was a snafu on comcast's end. They "accidentally" canceled the service when I called to cancel the install appointment.

So if all goes as planned my install day is tomorrow. I'll be very pleased if they actually show up this time :cool:
Comcast Residential - these TCP ports are blocked outbound 135-139,445,1723

results obtained with www.firebind.com Java client

Gotta chuckle at those results.
First, port 1723 is used for PPTP VPN, and that is not blocked by Comcast...I've used PPTP VPN on Comcast bandwidth hundreds and hundreds of times. Most likely that wonky "firebind" app...lol...had an issue properly running a test of 1723 through a router that didn't like GRE.

Blocking port 135 is good, it does not hamper any services a home user would be doing on their LAN. It is particularly good for any cable ISP to block that port...because think about how many home computer setups out there do not protect their computers with a broadband router via NAT, they just plug their PC directly into a cable modem. Go check out how port 135 is exploited, and by what, and get back to us.

Port 136..who cares
Ports 137, 138, and 139....NetBEUI and Netbios over IP..uhm...this one is just plain smart...with reasons and logic similar to 135.

Just about any matured ISP will have lockdowns on common sense ports to block. I remember back in the early days of broadband, when many ISPs did not do any blocking of certain ports...and most people weren't using NAT routers yet....they're just plug their PCs right into cable modems or DSL modems (back then when DSL modems were really just modems, not combo modem/routers). Their computer sat right on a public IP address. It didn't take much network knowledge to view other peoples computers almost like they were in My Network Neighborhood...and hardly any additional know-how was needed to get access to their C$. (c-drive).

Very nice speeds indeed... though not quite the 25/25 I signed up for. maybe once things settle out a little things will look better :D
lookin' better:
Gotta chuckle at those results.
First, port 1723 is used for PPTP VPN, and that is not blocked by Comcast...I've used PPTP VPN on Comcast bandwidth hundreds and hundreds of times. Most likely that wonky "firebind" app...lol...had an issue properly running a test of 1723 through a router that didn't like GRE.

Blocking port 135 is good, it does not hamper any services a home user would be doing on their LAN. It is particularly good for any cable ISP to block that port...because think about how many home computer setups out there do not protect their computers with a broadband router via NAT, they just plug their PC directly into a cable modem. Go check out how port 135 is exploited, and by what, and get back to us.

Port 136..who cares
Ports 137, 138, and 139....NetBEUI and Netbios over IP..uhm...this one is just plain smart...with reasons and logic similar to 135.

Just about any matured ISP will have lockdowns on common sense ports to block. I remember back in the early days of broadband, when many ISPs did not do any blocking of certain ports...and most people weren't using NAT routers yet....they're just plug their PCs right into cable modems or DSL modems (back then when DSL modems were really just modems, not combo modem/routers). Their computer sat right on a public IP address. It didn't take much network knowledge to view other peoples computers almost like they were in My Network Neighborhood...and hardly any additional know-how was needed to get access to their C$. (c-drive).

YeOldeStonecat - you're right about port 1723. Looks like port 1723 was a local home router config issue and not a Comcast block. Thanks for pointing that out. But it's important to keep in mind http://www.firebind.com is the only web-based application in the world that can test any outgoing UDP or TCP port for any sort of a firewall block. The only other solutions out there are what I'd truly consider the "wonky" apps - such as Microsoft's PortQry - a great tool but one that requires some technical knowledge and a server on the Internet on which to run it. Firebind is turnkey.
lookin' better:

Looks like I'm getting pretty much all the bandwidth I payed for :D

FiOS TV is fantastic. WORLDS better then comcast. the on screen guide is much better laid out and the DVR is 100% WIN :cool: even has a droid app to control the DVR remotely. has a guide that I can pick what program I want to record right on the droid!! :cool: :D

Not missing comcast at all!