Distributed Computer Football League (Fantasy)

darktiger said:
How do I play?

Signups have long since closed, so you'll probably have to wait until next year. :(

Both the Niners and codysown is making a comeback
Keep an eye out for the cleats running up your asses.

codysown said:
Both the Niners and codysown is making a comeback
Keep an eye out for the cleats running up your asses.

If you are relying in the 49'ers for your comback.....you are going to be disappointed.




Maybe I am reaching but at least I am not a bandwagon jumper like most people. I have been a fan since 81 and I was 9. I got a Niners Jacket from my Dad for X-mas. My team ever since. Had a few good years since then. Next year should be decent. Another #1 draftpick and get some of that salary room back. We are still paying Jerry Rice from what I understand.

AtomicMoose said:
you will still fall to me this week. :D

Now I'm not a Bengals fan by any means..... but.... "Who Dey, Who Dey!?" :D

Sorry Moose couldn't resist. ;)

Big Ben FTW!

And what the @$#%% is up with marty? 93 points?!? :eek:
I'm winning so far this week, but my opponent has a MNF game, and I'm done.... it's something like 56-49 or 53-49, something around there.... I might be able to pull off a win this week....... we'll see....

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Man I can't catch a break. I got the second highest points in the league and the ONLY one that beat was Mary with an unbelieveable 93 monsterous points. WTH. I though I had a chance this week too. Well good job Marty and watch out dragon slayers.
crap, I knew I forgot to do something this morning.... I was all worried about the snapping power lines and 4 inches of wet snow we got.....

you better watch cody! :D

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

OSUguy98 said:
crap, I knew I forgot to do something this morning.... I was all worried about the snapping power lines and 4 inches of wet snow we got.....

you better watch cody! :D

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

I wish all this rain we are getting was snow. :(
considering all my boxen are down today because there are tranformers blowing all over the place.... I don't think you'd want THIS snow.... with the majority of the leaves still on the trees, this snow has alot of surface area to grab onto and weigh down......

we needed rain, we got snow.........

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Looks to be a battle of the top two this weekend!! only 1 can be on top after that :D

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

OSUguy98 said:
Looks to be a battle of the top two this weekend!! only 1 can be on top after that :D

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

This weekend will separate the men from the boys....errr....whatever. :)
the men from the mods :D

you and p[H] seem to be on the lower-middle end of the ranks ;)
And yes, I'll probably lose this weekend because of that statement :D

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

OSUguy98 said:
And yes, I'll probably lose this weekend because of that statement :D

Dontcha just love karma! ;)

My team just keeps getting decimated by injuries and bye weeks (glad those are over).
OSUguy98 said:
Looks to be a battle of the top two this weekend!! only 1 can be on top after that :D

Thats the truth. LT v. SA. They are both playing teams that suck. Sorry cody, I'm a lowly 49er fan from way back too.. but they suck still :( Good luck this weekend... you'll need it. I'm in first in my $1000 league too :D

p[H]ant0m said:
Now I'm not a Bengals fan by any means..... but.... "Who Dey, Who Dey!?" :D

Sorry Moose couldn't resist. ;)

I second that motion. Who Dey!
a bump since there hasn't been any smack for at least a month...... and because this coming week is the championship!

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

All I know is that its fitting that I get to stomp on the Moose in the final week! :D

p[H]ant0m said:
All I know is that its fitting that I get to stomp on the Moose in the final week! :D

What are you guys going for, last place? :D I do one move (not actually me, I think somone else did for me...), and I still kill Moose!!!!
Well besides hitting 1 million this week in F@H, I won my big money league's bowl game.. and now I get to win this one too :D

I'm gunning for ya OSU :eek:

Congrats on the 1M!

And.... sorry to hear that you'll be in second place after this weekend! :D

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Well we have a winner.. and its OSU... I conceed even though the games aren't over. I knew Sat. night when the Giants wouldn't take Tiki out even though he hurt his ankle that I was gonna lose. That and the fact none of my guys could find the bloody end zone. Indy also proved to me that they will lose thier first playoff game since they are completely one dimensional now on offense.

I vote for next year, since it takes 120 yrds rush/receiving to equal a TD, we do a TD only league if thats the case. I'd prefer 10yrds a point rush/rec and 25 passing yrds for QBs to the scoring system we had. Really thats the only reason OSU and I were even in the championship. I had Alexander and Rudi Johnson and he had LT and Tiki... hard to beat us when we have two guys that between them would get 30+ points by themselves.

Anyway.. anyone feel like doing a March Madness tourney? :D

Wow... how in the world did I win?

I think I have to agree with [H]ugh_Freak....the only reason I was in it at all was because of Tomlinson and Barber... God knows I didn't know what I was doing for the first few weeks!

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!
