Distributed Computer Football League (Fantasy)

Rich Tate

Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 9, 2005
So a few of us were talking, and we were thinking we would like to do a fantasy football league this year.

So here are the rules, additional input is welcome:
1 - To enter you must have a minimum of 10K in points.
2- It will be a free fantasy league, just for fun and braggin' rights.
3 - We will autodraft for those players who don't have fantasy football experience.

Thus Far we have:
1) Myself *
2) AtomicMoose *
3) p[H]ant0m *
4) OSUguy98 *
5) codysown *
6) marty9876 *
7) clean_me *
8) [H]ugh Freak *

Post here with your badge, so we can check points, then PM me your email so I can add you to the league.

I'm going to say the deadline to join is Sunday at 4PM. We only have room for 20, so it is first come first serve!

* - Have been sent an email, and are confirmed for a spot

I'm in....

How's this?

You must be a folder on the team and have at least 10,000 points.
Auto pick teams since some of the board has never played fantasy before.
AtomicMoose said:
You must be a folder on the team and have at least 10,000 points.
Auto pick teams since some of the board has never played fantasy before.

Count me in, esp. if I don't have to worry about drafting!

Must get satellite radio so I can hear all the fantasy football shows! :D

Ok so it will be autopick then, thats cool with me.
Saves us the two hours of drafting anyways.

yup... auto-draft..... and I'm all for a point requirement.... I kinda wish we would've thought of this sooner though, might've been able to bring in some folders...

I'm in!

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

I would be interested if there is room left. Is this free or Pay? I am already in one locally with yahoo sports, but another would be fun.

codysown said:
I would be interested if there is room left. Is this free or Pay? I am already in one locally with yahoo sports, but another would be fun.

You are in. Completely free, just for fun and DC braggin rights ;)

And for the international members of the [H]orde, UEFA soccer leagues anyone? :D
magnusvir said:
And for the international members of the [H]orde, UEFA soccer leagues anyone? :D

Oh jeez, you people and yer Futból.... :rolleyes:

j/k :D

Those of you who are in, PM me your email address, so I can send you an invite to the league. :)

ComputerGeek737 said:
Well this may be a stupid question but what do you do exactly in a fantasy football leauge??

The way we have it setup, the draft will be automatic, so basically you get a roster, and manage it from week to week. You pick your position players to start each week to gain you the most points. So if one of your top notch players is playing a weak team, you want to start him to gain the most points you can. Basically you are a GM in a versus environment.

me in

auto draft cuz I'm clueless

points = > 2
Also keep in mind that we need an even number of teams!!

Keep on Folding!!

Rich Tate said:
The way we have it setup, the draft will be automatic, so basically you get a roster, and manage it from week to week. You pick your position players to start each week to gain you the most points. So if one of your top notch players is playing a weak team, you want to start him to gain the most points you can. Basically you are a GM in a versus environment.

Wait just one second here....

You mean I have to do something? More than once?
Yes Marty it's kind of a weekly thing. ;)

I'm telling you tho, it's really easy, and alot of fun.

I'm already in the other [H] league as well as another one. If you need one more to make it even let me know, otherwise I'm afraid I'll pass. I'm worried about having time to manage the two teams I already have, much less a third.

Sure, I'll join

I never really follow American 'ball, I'm a Canuck but I think I know something. So, I'll join.

clean_me said:
Sure, I'll join

I never really follow American 'ball, I'm a Canuck but I think I know something. So, I'll join.

PM me an email addy please :)
Also, I need everyone to have accepted the invite and be in by Sunday. Once we lock it, I'll set the draft to go, and we will be starting our stats at week 2.

Well judging by my name and Marty's name (league names), I think us two will be taking the league by storm.
I'm telling you guys it is really easy and fun, you can feel free to ask Moose and I questions...not to say we won't blatantly lie to you if it helps us...but you can ask ;)


im in, i play football( how weird is that, nerdy athlet) never played fantasiey, but sounds fun

Ok guys, I have locked in the managers, and told the draft to proceed. It will do the draft within 72 hours, and let us know when it's done. Good luck!

I dunno, about the backup kicker, maybe a punter or something??? I do know it appears I got whipped though! :eek:

3 Waiver orders pending already haha.. I'd rather have the backup kicker roster sport for a WR or RB. Can always pick up a kicker the week of the bye. I also for some odd reason got a backup defense. Anyone wanna trade for New England's D??

I need to sit down and figure out what I'm doing!! lol

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Ya guys remember this Sunday is our first week. Get your starters picked!!
