Disney Clears Jobs In Backdating Scandal

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Disney, in a statement made earlier today, claims that Steve Jobs knew about or approved back dated stock options as the head of Pixar but did nothing wrong. For Jobs’ sake, hopefully the SEC comes to the same conclusion.

“The Committee and Board have concluded that while options were backdated at Pixar prior to the acquisition, no one currently associated with the Company engaged in any intentional or deliberate acts of misconduct,” said Disney in a prepared statement.
I disagree, Steve Jobs seems like a pompous pr*ck peddling overpriced stuff that now (in case of computers) are no different that a BYO PC, saved the artificial limitations put on the OS for hardware changes.

I'd like to see him getting taken down - too many big wig corps are doing these shady (and quite possibly ILLEGAL) deals hoping no one notices, and now it's catching up to them. It's not like Apple would go down the drain if he got fined or put away, or is he the ONLY guy in Cupertino that has half a brain when it comes to designing flashy goods? Bottom line, it doesn't matter what Disney thinks, it's up to the SEC to make a decision.
I disagree, Steve Jobs seems like a pompous pr*ck peddling overpriced stuff that now (in case of computers) are no different that a BYO PC, saved the artificial limitations put on the OS for hardware changes.

seriously what does that have to do with anything?