Disabling the CLASSPATH??


Sep 14, 2005
I work for a company and were launching an application with some issues. I am by no means a java guru, I know very little on the subject but the troubleshooting I come up with says to disable the CLASSPATH how is this done? I am unable to find the option to do so. :confused:
I'm not too sure, but here's what I think
( I am assuming its a windows machine you're working on )

Right click on "My Computer" -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environtment variables

Under "System Variables," select "Path" and click on the Edit button.

Look for this line: C:\j2sdk1.4.2_09\bin; or something similar to it, and delete that line
Still is not working what I had in my Enviorment variables is as follows,

c:\progra~1\oracle9i\bin;c:\progra~1\oracle9i\jre\bin;%SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32;%SYSTEMROOT%;%SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\WBEM;c:\sys\utl;C:\Program Files\IBM\Trace Facility;C:\Program Files\Personal Communications

Nothing as exact as you had mentioned, and yes im using a windows machine. The part of the java that is not loading is the local swing conflicts. Says to disable class path in the control panel > enviroments.
That seems to be what's in your PATH environment variable.

That's the wrong one. You want your CLASSPATH environment variable. Yeah, a_n_d_y15 gave you the wrong info.

You might not have one, it's not really necessary any more (at least not with the SUN JDK)
Is there any other way to disable this? We launch this app soon and I have to update 40+ pc's.
If you control the launch, maybe call "java -cp .", assuming the cmdline overrides the environment.