disabling restore points when patching?

Jun 9, 2004
When I use WU to update my new XP install, it freezes at the "Creating restore point" level. Is there a way of disabling restore points for patches? Preferrably globally so I won't need to install each piece manually afterwards :/

I used partition magic to resize my windows 98 partition, and i think it is getting confused by the windows directory in C:\ not being XP's
System Restore should be disabled anyway. It's worthless, wastes disk space, and gives viruses a nice place to hide to avoid detection.
^ yeah the first thing I do when I troubleshoot a friend's computer is I completely disable system restore. It is an absolute worthless pile of crap. And it does indeed give viruses a place to hide. I have personally seen a system where a virus was on there when a restore point was made, and sure enough windows archived the virus into the backup .cab files.
Disabling restore points from System doesn't help, when I try to update with WU, it freezes trying to make a restore point. How do I get WU to stop trying to make a restore point? Tried disabling the service as well, it still freezes at the Creating Restore Point stage :(
