Different Ram speed in the same system


Limp Gawd
Feb 19, 2004
Last week I called in a computer store and the guy ended telling me that two sticks of Ram of different speeds can work together in the same system (I mean 1 stick of DDR266 and the other of DDR333 in the same computer) I doubt this is correct but I want to be sure. Thanks and sorry for the noob question, if you want some clarifications, just ask it. (Sorry, my english is bad sometimes.)
it should work, but all the memory will operate at the slowest stick's speed ;)
like Eclipse said, basicly it will accept the lower of the 2 sticks, or 3-4 sticks, only so they are working at same speeds, would cause a big confusion in your comp if they were working in diffrent speeds =/

Thanks for the info, that's what I heard I just wasn't sure about it.
If the two sticks are :
Major 512Mb DDR PC2100 [266]
Kingston 512Mb DDR [333]

Will these sticks run perfectly at 266 MHz or they'll have problem running together?
They will just work at the slower speed, but other than that they should be fine with the following exception: If one is SS and one is DS you must make sure that your mobo will accept the mixed configuration in the slots you want to run them in. Some mobos are very picky that way, so make sure you read your manual first before making your purchase.
They will run at pc2100 speeds, unless you over clock, i had a gig (2 512's) and one was pc2100 other was pc3700, i over clocked so they were running at pc2700 (333mgz i think) anyhoo, they will run at stock 266, tho my advice is put the 333 stick in the first dimm slot or the first slot according to your mobo, in my case i found it to improve stability, dunno how it will work for you, but try it out

It looks like the system is crashing because of the ram is there any way to be sure that the ram is really causing random crashes.
alext5 said:
It looks like the system is crashing because of the ram is there any way to be sure that the ram is really causing random crashes.


Do a Google search for it and burn it to a CD. Boot the system off of the CD and if you get ANYTHING in the bottom section (conveniently labled Errors) you have bad RAM.

There's also the trial and error method of remove one stick, see if it runs fine, then swap, rinse, repeat
If the problem is the compatibility between both sticks will it detect it or does it only detect bad ram?
take the slower stick out, boot up see what happens, run a few apps that are mem heavy, memtest, or games, anything bad happen shut down, put in slower stick,.......if the faster stick works keep it, sell slower stick and use money to buy another stick of same speed, and same brand if you can :p
good luck :)
