Did my 120GB Vertex Just Die?


Limp Gawd
Oct 28, 2004
So...I was un-RARing the new Adobe CS5 from my University download software page...and I got up to go get a drink. When I returned I saw my computer had apparently restarted and it hangs for 30 seconds (blank with '_' character upper left) I got an extremely weird error saying "BOOTMGR is missing Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart" so I did so...same results. So I went into the BIOS and for some reason it is not recognizing it. Is my drive dead?

EDIT: I am 99% positive the disk is fried I swapped the power cord and the primary sata cord to to my "media" IDE and BIOS recognized it. When I do the same with the Vertex nothing is recognized.

What the heck would have caused this? Just 24 hours ago I ran the app found in the forums here that calculated the health of your SSD and mine came up as very health.

What do I do from here. I just looked for the box and receipt. I found the original box but no receipt is that ok? This is extremely upsetting

Has the community found this to happen often or is this a very rare situation? Has something similar happen to any of you?

My system setup:

Windows 7 Enterprise x64
120gb Vertex fw1.5 (for OS and apps 4-6 months old only!)
WD 500GB IDE HD (for data)
fw 1.5 is known to have that issue, although it usually happens when a drive is flashed from a lower firmware rev. Lots of posts on the OCZ forums about it, and it happened to me on a 120GB vertex a few months ago.
Yeah I had the same problem with one. Put a jumper on the drive and try flashing the new firmware. I spent a few hours on it, even tried the destructive flash method recommended on the forums and no luck.

Submit a ticket for an RMA if no luck.

OCZ support is great. I sent the bad drive in and they quickly sent me a replacement. It took about 2 weeks. Because of this I continue to buy their drives. Great stuff :)
yes, try the jumper. If the drive can be seen in the bios with the jumper installed. THere may be hope. Plus OCZ is very good with there RMAs and quick turn arounds, unlike there mail in rebates.