Did I mess something up? (iPhone 4)


Limp Gawd
Jan 1, 2010
So Cydia stopped working and started throwing an error about a com.memdefrag package. Now to try and fix this I SSHed in and played around with apt-get and dpkg to see if I could fix it. Nothing I tried worked so i figured i would try uninstalling then re installing it. Now I was able to successfully uninstall it and everything is working great, but I couldn't fins the package to re install it and it doesn't show up when I run "dpkg -l"

But the phone has flash memory, so why would it even need to defrag in the first place, right?

Right now I just want to forget about it and hope no other issues come from this. Or would it be a better idea to try and find the package and install it?
If nothing else seems to be broken, I'd leave well enough alone. It sounds like a "memory defragmentation" package. Memory defragmentation/memory freeing utilities are completely unnecessary and a bit disingenuous. They don't actually defragment anything or increase available memory; they just start requesting more and more RAM until the phone starts killing things in the background, until finally it can't request any more, and then it releases what it requested. To the person looking at RAM stats constantly, it may appear that there is more RAM available for running apps and stuff, but it's merely forcing the phone to immediately do the same "on-demand" cleanup that it normally does transparently. This forces your phone to reload everything from flash the next time you use it, which takes more time.

Have you installed any task managers/background process killers from Cydia? One of those may have come with this package.
Thanks for the response. I have been using it as is with no issues so far, so I think I'm just going to forget about it.

I do have a SBSettings that I can monitor and kill processes, but the package com.memdefrag said it was written by Apple when I checked the info.