Did Bill Gates say Windows Vista sucks?


lol, of course he would say something like that. There is no way he could say it was perfect with all the bashing the interwebz have given it.

Still I love it and use it on all my machines, sooo much better than previous windows versions in many ways.
Well I thought Vista was to be the last windows there was to be, From now on it was going to be a modular concept program for the OS.

So now he is stating that there is going to be a new Vista in the future?

Yea that's a put down real good Bill.:eek::confused:
Microsoft simply started putting too much into Vista. One thing that disappointed me about Vista was the UI. I saw a lot of tech demo videos of some of the stuff MS developed for the Aero UI, but did not make it in the Vista release. Very slick stuff.

This was a classic software development mistake, feature bloat, and that really hurt Vista. However, they did get some critical infrastructure things done, like security. For its first year out the door, Vista hasn’t suffered any major attacks that I’m aware of. Actually, Windows security in general has gotten better. Far from perfect, but the almost daily widespread attacks are not happening. I know that attacks have tended to get smaller and more focused, but overall the consensus seems to be positive in the security area.

Vista had major issues with driver support and was a little light on compelling new features. Driver support is solid now, but honestly, Vista has no killer feature. DX10 is not really prime time yet. However, there is a fair amount of power in Aero that’s not been tapped. I’ve been playing with Windows Presentation Foundation, and there are some very radical UI capabilities that work with mostly with XP, but there are some specific Vista Aero capabilities in it as well.

I do think that Windows 7 is going to be a very killer release. Remember, Vista is Windows 6. Windows 7 is actually going to be a minor version release, like Windows XP. Microsoft generally does a better job with revision releases.
Vista is ME

Windows 7 is XP

Vista is the stepping stone to prepare people.
The best about this is that we are not seeing the vista zealots trying to defend Vista against it's own maker at this thread :rolleyes:
The best about this is that we are not seeing the vista zealots trying to defend Vista against it's own maker at this thread :rolleyes:

What was said?

That caption is nothing more than childish blogger sensationalism. What professional uses the word "sucks"?

The answer to the question it asks is "No, he did not say that."
Bill Gates was asked "What product could of used more polish",
his reply was: "Ask me after we ship the next version of Windows".

I can understand why someone would think that meant "Vista could of used more polish" [why the word sucks? Most things could use more polish, it does not necessarily mean it sucks though. Typical knee-jerk anti-MS reaction there as well] since he did not say "Ask me after we ship the next version of Office", but it could also mean many other things, I think it basically means "Ask me about this generation after the next generation ships so I'll have more actual insight". Another thing is, everybody bashes Windows, Bill Gates, MS, etc. It's not inconceivable that he believes windows sucks when it does not, just because he is the owner of the company that makes it doesn't make his opinion and everything he says automatically correct. Let me put it like this, if Bill Gates said Windows was perfect none of you would believe him, so why believe him when you think he says the opposite? Makes no logical sense if you think about it.
^^^Neither does the often stupid bashing, or often rabid defense of Vista. But we still see it.
Bill Gates was asked "What do you think is in..say, the last five years..what one product do you wish you could have polished a little more",
his reply was: "Ah...(shit this guy had to ask this) ..ask me after we ship the next version of Windows..(laughes)..then i'll be more open to give you a blunt answer".

Well, the interviewer asked him to comment on one product that came out in the last five years that he thought could have been more polished. Bill narrowed that product down to Windows by virtue of his answer. He could have said "ask me after we come out with the next product". Why would he say "ask me after we ship the next version of Windows" if he was thinking of say...the Zune or Office 2007 or whatever other product MS has come out with in the last five years?

His answer could have been his way of not commenting specifically on Vista so it wouldn't hurt Vista sales. Maybe he figures he will be more "open" after the next OS comes out and Vista is the old OS. IMO he gave it away in his answer, whether he meant to or not.
Bill Gates was asked "What do you think is in..say, the last five years..what one product do you wish you could have polished a little more",
his reply was: "Ah...(shit this guy had to ask this) ..ask me after we ship the next version of Windows..(laughes)..then i'll be more open to give you a blunt answer".

Well, the interviewer asked him to comment on one product that came out in the last five years that he thought could have been more polished. Bill narrowed that product down to Windows by virtue of his answer. He could have said "ask me after we come out with the next product". Why would he say "ask me after we ship the next version of Windows" if he was thinking of say...the Zune or Office 2007 or whatever other product MS has come out with in the last five years?

His answer could have been his way of not commenting specifically on Vista so it wouldn't hurt Vista sales. Maybe he figures he will be more "open" after the next OS comes out and Vista is the old OS. IMO he gave it away in his answer, whether he meant to or not.

Yes, but with the atmosphere of the tech world, Bill probably thought the question asker meant "can you comment on the vista failure?" (note: I'm not calling it a failure, just saying what Bill probably thought the other guy was saying in the tone those people usually use when they are more honest). I can understand how that could happen. And as long as that's possible, it's not possible to conclude conclusively that Bill was saying Vista is the product that could use the most polish, and even if it did mean that, that is certainly not the same as saying "it sucks". It's the same old bs from the MS attackers, who have nothing better to do than waste honest people's time with paranoid half-thought out arguments.
Vista is ME

Windows 7 is XP

Vista is the stepping stone to prepare people.
ME was horrible, it crashed often. Vista I rarely have to even reboot.

I almost hope Vista is ME next to Windows 7. It would mean Windows 7 will be a truly amazing OS, not that Vista is buggy or unstable.
As regards to Vista = ME, Win7 = XP comparisons - ME was the last 9x version, whereas XP was an NT-based OS which was a point release of 2000 (it's Windows NT 5.1). XP wasn't a polished version of ME at all, it was a totally different OS.

I also agree that Vista isn't a terrible OS, just disappointing - which I think is more what Bill Gates is implying here, that it could have been better, rather than that it "sucks".
If nothing else with Vista, I am very glad to see 64bit drivers being far superior to XP.

We actually have pretty much mainstream support for people that run over 4GB of memory.
Yes, but with the atmosphere of the tech world, Bill probably thought the question asker meant "can you comment on the vista failure?" (note: I'm not calling it a failure, just saying what Bill probably thought the other guy was saying in the tone those people usually use when they are more honest). I can understand how that could happen. And as long as that's possible, it's not possible to conclude conclusively that Bill was saying Vista is the product that could use the most polish, and even if it did mean that, that is certainly not the same as saying "it sucks". It's the same old bs from the MS attackers, who have nothing better to do than waste honest people's time with paranoid half-thought out arguments.

Why would Bill have thought the interviewer meant Vista? The tech atmosphere? :rolleyes:

Nobody mentioned Windows except Bill.

When asked "what one product do you wish you could have polished a little more" Bill could have also answered with a simple "none" or "can't think of any".

I'm not anti-Vista myself i'm just taking this from a neutral point of view as a person listening to a Q and A session.

Obviously he didn't say it sucks.
The best about this is that we are not seeing the vista zealots trying to defend Vista against it's own maker at this thread :rolleyes:
There isn't really much to defend, because nothing was really said. The only eye-rolling to be doing is with those who constantly look to start a fight on this subject, instead of just dealing with the facts. Many people are using and loving Vista, and no one should have to apologize for liking Vista. You're comments are meant only as kindling to start the very thing you suggested you were glad to see missing. Perhaps the reason why so many people "zealously" defend Vista, is to combat the anti-Vista zealots.

When you start labeling people as zealots, most often, you're also labeled as one. Think of it as people stand on both sides of a river, saying the other side is the "wrong side".
As regards to Vista = ME, Win7 = XP comparisons - ME was the last 9x version, whereas XP was an NT-based OS which was a point release of 2000 (it's Windows NT 5.1). XP wasn't a polished version of ME at all, it was a totally different OS.

I also agree that Vista isn't a terrible OS, just disappointing - which I think is more what Bill Gates is implying here, that it could have been better, rather than that it "sucks".

I'm not really gonna go into the whole thing, cause I did once before. Vista is not a bad OS, but you kinda missed the last point of my post.
confused here, i thought Windows 7 is next generation of windows vista

It’s the codename for the next version of Windows, which will probably be a dot release and not a new version. Though Vista doesn’t have a ton of new features, architecturally it’s quite different from XP. Different driver model, video was removed, and the security model was redone. The biggest architectural change in Windows 7 will be shirking the kernel for first reports that I’ve read.

There were a lot of features that didn’t make it into Vista; some of those will be in Windows 7. Vista may not have the uptake of XP, but at the same time, can any other OS claim 100 million shipped units or basically 1 in 3 PC’s last year? Even though the percentage of machines shipping with Vista was about half of that of XP, no other is within an order of magnitude of volume. And Vista’s numbers continue to get bigger by the day. If that’s failure, I’d hate to see what the definition of success is.
Why would Bill have thought the interviewer meant Vista? The tech atmosphere? :rolleyes:

Nobody mentioned Windows except Bill.

When asked "what one product do you wish you could have polished a little more" Bill could have also answered with a simple "none" or "can't think of any".

I'm not anti-Vista myself i'm just taking this from a neutral point of view as a person listening to a Q and A session.

Obviously he didn't say it sucks.

Doesn't matter, he said "ask me after the next version of windows", that doesn't mean "windows vista" or why else would he say "ask me after" instead of just "windows vista". He obviously meant, "I don't know at this point so ask me after the next generation" but said windows because that's the only next generation product that's been talked about even a little. It makes no sense to say "ask me after" and then answer the question anyways, but the other way does make sense.