Diablo 3 not supported in Catalyst 12.4?

Yeah I dont understand why the 12.4s would work in the Beta but not in the retail game..
That stinks of Blizzard being at fault.
Yeah I dont understand why the 12.4s would work in the Beta but not in the retail game..
That stinks of Blizzard being at fault.

Yup, this just screams of Blizzard fucking something up. Honestly I'm not sure why people are so mad at AMD for something that Blizzard likely messed the fuck up.
Because its the fashionable thing to blame AMD for any game error while with Nvidia people always are full of doubt that Nvidia made a mistake.
Its been like this for generations and its fucking annoying.
blizzard prob got a payment from nvidia to disable the 12.4's ccc drivers in retail since nothing says dont buy this card. when the game you wanted to play for 10+ years wont work on that new amd card you purchased
At the very least, if you have owned a recent AMD video card you know that their drivers are subpar. I bought a 6950 when is first came out and it took MONTHS to get decent, stable drivers released. Dont forget the cursor issue. Now with D3, not being supported with 12.4, isn't a disaster but just another example of AMD fumbling driver releases.

I'm not biased towards one or the other I go where I get the best bang for the buck but I've not run an Nvidia card since my 8800GTS 512mb. I've had probably 6 cards since then and they've all been ATI/AMD and the amount of driver issues I've had I could probably count on one hand and of those probably 2 or 3 were somehow related to user error or a configuration issue on my part.

When I ran Crossfire, albeit in 2009 with the 9.X series of drivers, I also had little to no issues. I've never uninstalled drivers before Installing new ones, I always lay the latest catalyst releases over my existing drivers using the express method in Catalyst Installer App.

I don't doubt that there are issues but I somehow feel that the AMD driver hate is really bangwagon based. Some people, not implying you, are so quick to hop on the "amd driver" problem bandwagon that there may be something else going on and they just assume it's driver based...
Because its the fashionable thing to blame AMD for any game error while with Nvidia people always are full of doubt that Nvidia made a mistake.
Its been like this for generations and its fucking annoying.

I'm glad other people see this too, I'm not just crazy.

As for maxius' post above me: :confused:
Because its the fashionable thing to blame AMD for any game error while with Nvidia people always are full of doubt that Nvidia made a mistake.
Its been like this for generations and its fucking annoying.

Yep seeing that trend and the working fine in beta and broken on final which means its the developers who broke it and not AMD but AMD gets blamed regardless like with Crysis2.
Watch, next gpu generation this will be brought up by some one as proof of poor amd drivers. Without mention of blizzard fucking up
well you know whats interesting a lot of you are complaining about blizzard and I actually think you might be right I mean they do directly do promotions (blizzard & nvidia) dont know if you saw them giving nvidia cards away for a diablo 3 contest..


but do you really think a company would go out of its way or better yet not put forth an effort to make sure the game runs for everybody.. i mean thats why they built the game the way its built. so everybody could play.
I have 12.4s installed and played the beta fine. Something smells fishy here aside from the stench of Nvidia forums trolls spamming opinions about something they have no first hand experience with.
I've been in the beta since late August of last year (friends & family build) and never had any issue with any AMD driver. Like I said, something smells fishy here.
You guys really need to read Omrakos' comments before saying things like, "I had the beta and didn't have any problems." No one is arguing that.
Did you even bother reading any of the posts?

No one is questioning if the game can run with good performance.

The problem is that the game isn't launching with 12.4 installed. Is it an AMD problem? Is it a Blizzard problem? No one knows right now, but it's bullshit either way. I don't want to launch the game on May 15 and be greeted with a "This video card is not supported" error.

Game worked fine On 12.4s thanks for asking!
I shot an email to [email protected] and they basically said they're aware of this and are looking into it. I don't see any reason why 12.4 would not work, because it worked during open beta.
Well, stranger and stranger. The Blizzard tech support thread where the Blizzard support rep said 12.4 wouldn't be supported has been deleted. What does that mean? 12.4 will work upon release? Who knows.

At this point, I am beginning to think whatever Blizzard found in its Q&A testing, it realizes it acted too hastily to go to the nuclear option of completely disabling the game when 12.4 drivers are detected. Even if they found something in the game code that doesn't like the 12.4 drivers, I would think there'd be a launch day game patch or, if the problem is on the driver side, a Catalyst hotfix on launch day. Blizzard never did explain what it discovered that was so horrible that the only solution was to completely lock out the 12.4 drivers. Did Q&A test computers start to smoke? If, of course, this alleged bug is actually real. I am beginning to think the Blizzard support rep who posted in the now-deleted thread did so without proper authorization and jumped the gun. A few replies in a single thread on the tech support forums was an odd way to announce that the latest AMD drivers won't work with Diablo 3. I'm guessing one of his bosses noticed and had the thread pulled.
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The email reply I got from AMD TS seemed to indicate there was no issue. Should be fine at release...
They deleted it because the person (Omrakos) replying about 12.4 not being supported is a fucking retard.
On another thread someone posts their system specs via DxDiag.txt (He had Intel GMA graphics) and he spouts the same generic bullshit about uninstalling catalyst 12.4 even though he has no AMD video card installed.


Mailenhment said:
Greetings. I am out of town and trying to play on a guest computer. Beta runs fine on my own PC. But I will be traveling a lot and really want to play. See below for my problem:

I D/Led, installed, and patched the client. I ran as admin and clicked Play. I received message, "We have detected that your video card is not supported by Diablo III Beta.

Operating System: Windows Vista Service Pack 2
Video Card: Intel(R) G33/G31 Express Chipset Family

Omrakos said:
Mailenhment ,

What's it saying exactly? Also, the Beta is over so it's not going to work anymore, but I'm curious as to what message you're actually getting.

My guess is it's the one about your video driver not being supported which is not the same as saying your video card isn't supported. If you have ATI's Catalyst 12.4 drivers installed right now, you'll see that message. You'll need to revert to earlier drivers before release.
Its typical Nvidia fanboys always trolling on the AMD forums.
Its typical Nvidia fanboys always trolling on the AMD forums.

BUT the sticker on the box says its THE way it's meant to be played ;).

AMD just goes: just enjoy the damn game, its just a PC port anyway.
I actually think this is just Blizzard's way of ensuring their battle.net servers don't fail on day 1. If roughly half your player base can't get to the login screen then that's 1/2 the expected day 1 load....
The same Blizzard support rep - Omrakos - who started this nonsense by claiming 12.4 wouldn't work with the retail game is NOW saying in a new thread that 12.4 Catalyst drivers WILL work.


A user posts about getting the message that the video card isn't supported. Omrakos asks him what his card and drivers are and the user reports he has a Radeon 5850 using the 12.4 drivers. Omrakos replies:


That config will be fine as is. No need to revert. The messaging you see now when trying to run the beta won't necessarily be the same for retail.

Sheesh. Is there any Q&A testing of Blizzard's support agents?
/going to check if this problem exists with nVidia and having to revert to old and outdated drivers in hope of getting an awesome game running.... nope... all good... carry on... :cool:
/going to check if this problem exists with nVidia and having to revert to old and outdated drivers in hope of getting an awesome game running.... nope... all good... carry on... :cool:


You don't have to do anything for your AMD cards either.

Radeon drivers are not as bad as everyone said. I used 5850 crossfire, then 6950 crossfire with very little issue. Any problems I did have were corrected quickly.
/going to check if this problem exists with nVidia and having to revert to old and outdated drivers in hope of getting an awesome game running.... nope... all good... carry on... :cool:

So, are you always this easily influenced by false information?
You don't think Diablo 3 is the year's biggest PC release? :confused: Even if you do not like or play the series, how can you deny this?

Lol, that's quite easy to answer. Because if you release a game that's is going to be the biggest release of the year... You don't give it away for free to keep people playing another game. Blizzards far to greedy to pass us that kind of money.
I say its the biggest, it has the highest pre sale numbers of any game for this year.
Lol, that's quite easy to answer. Because if you release a game that's is going to be the biggest release of the year... You don't give it away for free to keep people playing another game. Blizzards far to greedy to pass us that kind of money.

The $60 people will pay for Diablo 3 is the same as what a WoW player pays in subscription fees every 4-5 months. When you sign up for a WoW annual pass, that is ~$150-$180 guaranteed for blizzard over that year.

They know that there is a lot of overlap between WoW and Diablo players. WoW is also in a bit of a lull right now with the next expansion still not coming out for months and people are getting tired of the current content. Any WoW player that quits to play Diablo 3, even if they pay full $60 retail for it, blizzard will still be losing money after 4 months compared to if they just kept playing WoW.

It might seem like they are giving Diablo 3 away for free if you were planning to play WoW for the next year anyway but they are definitely looking at the big picture.
I say its the biggest, it has the highest pre sale numbers of any game for this year.

Please remember if 1 million people purchased the annual sub because they wanted to play wow for the year, that inflates the number of pre orders. Because blizzard will count each and every annual sub as a pre order for diablo to get bigger numbers on release day.

The $60 people will pay for Diablo 3 is the same as what a WoW player pays in subscription fees every 4-5 months. When you sign up for a WoW annual pass, that is ~$150-$180 guaranteed for blizzard over that year.

They know that there is a lot of overlap between WoW and Diablo players. WoW is also in a bit of a lull right now with the next expansion still not coming out for months and people are getting tired of the current content. Any WoW player that quits to play Diablo 3, even if they pay full $60 retail for it, blizzard will still be losing money after 4 months compared to if they just kept playing WoW.

It might seem like they are giving Diablo 3 away for free if you were planning to play WoW for the next year anyway but they are definitely looking at the big picture.

The way I see it, it's not really looking at the bigger picture. The way I was told about the annual sub is that it was kind of like a cell phone contract, You agree to pay for wow for one year at x price over a duration of y month's and you get diablo 3 for free when it's released. You go back on that contract and you never get access to an annual pass again. Which could very well be wrong, its simply what I was told and what im basing my entire opinion off of.

So, the people who agreed are those who already had decided to pay for wow for a year via the annual thing, which to my knowledge is a month to month deal not all up front. Anyone who signed up for the annual deal for diablo three for free is kind of an idiot in my opinion. Because 5 - 6 x 15 = more then the default cost of diablo on release day. (I cant remember when the annual thingy was announced honestly so im going by so far this year, i've been out of the wow loop for a while since I quite)

Anyways, So lets go to my earlier number of 1m. Sure Blizzard locks those 1m people into playing and paying for a stale game for the duration till diablo is released, but again the majority of those who bought it were those who had already decided to play for a year, or up until diablo was released, which ever came first. So then, blizzard loses 60 million by giving away diablo for free. I don't see any way they're making a profit off the annual thing. I really don't. Anyway I look at it, they're going to lose 60 million and that's assuming they don't have MORE then one million peeps who bought the annual thing. which if im not mistaken, they do.

That's a straight 60+m loss, for a game that doesn't require a sub, to people who had already chosen to play wow for a year. So how are they NOT losing any money? The only thing I can guess is that they're guessing the RMA will be THAT much of a hit, and they'll recoupe their losses their. But from what i've seen about diablo 3 is that it's just not that great, granted that was a while ago.. That alot of people were disappointing, as I said that was a while ago and maybe it changed. Honestly though, I don't exactly expect alot out of blizzard after playing wow for almost two years. I expect them to try and hock a game they've used minimal effort to create and maintain because that's exactly what they've done to wow. Which is practically their golden goose. Whats to make me think they'd put more effort into a B2P game then a p2p game.

Anyways, Im not trying to argue so please don't think it. Im just explaining my point of view, as to why i don't see it as the greatest release of the year, and why I feel it's subpar. Because blizzard's far to greedy to give away something they feel they'd sell anyways. If they felt they'd sell it to begin with, in those numbers mind you, they'd never offer it for free. Because that's like throwing away money, which im sure we can all agree.. blizzard doesn't do. But then again, maybe it was the only way to stem the bleeding of subs from wow, to keep them from going to ToR or waiting for GW2 instead. I don't know. But I do see all the free diablo 3 games, as a pretty big loss.
Diablo 3 is one of, if not, the biggest release of the year whether you hate WoW/Blizzard or not.
Diablo 3 is one of, if not, the biggest release of the year whether you hate WoW/Blizzard or not.

My distates for how blizzard uses minimal effort and tries to milk their customers for every dollar they can has absolutely nothing at all to do with why i feel diablo three is not the biggest release of the year.

Im going to go out on a limb and assume you stopped reading when i announced my distaste for said company. So ill nut shell it for you.

*clears throat* How exactly do you feel this is going to be the biggest release of the year, if the company who created it is willing to give it away for free and lost over 60+ million dollars for their next "hit" Specially when concerning a company as greedy as blizzard.
They're not giving it away and selling it for a loss, they're trying to make WoW more appealing.

The annual pass was designed for those who were on the fence of staying in WoW for the next expansions, its not for non-WoW players. The "free game" is made up by a years worth of subscirptions for WoW, and that fact that almost every annual subscriber will buy MoP because a WoW subscription is pointless without the latest expansion.

They're not giving the game away out of charity or desperation, they're doing it because it will net them more money in the long run. They're not milking customers either, because no one is forced to buy the annual pass to play either diablo or WoW. It's similar to getting combo deals. I can buy 2 packs of a product for $10, or I can buy 5 packs for $20. The 5 packs is a better value for those that need more than 2, but if you only need 2, then you can not waste money buy only buying what you need. Most business use this model to get people to buy more, even if their profit margin is lower, their overall revenue is higher for bulk purchases. Those profit margins are even better with software businesses, because their is hardly any cost to sell an extra license (such as the valve 4packs).

Oh and back to the original discussion. It's sad that so much negativity will go out about this, and less people will hear that its a non-issue than should. I'm rocking 11.11 on my 6970 because I'm lazy, I'm pretty sure D3 at max settings wont be an issue

I'm not really sure the best way to qualify D3 or any game as biggest release of the year, but I'm pretty sure a business model like the annual pass doesnt any weight to the argument. For me so far, Diablo 3 and Borderlands 2 are the only surefire games I'm getting day 1, so yes it is among the most important releases for me
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OMG.... this thread was about AMD 12.4 drivers. How do things get so totally wacked and off topic????
its like saying, I downloaded Nvidia driver for my cards due to nvidia make better drivers.
and they dont work for my card.
those drivers sucks.

yes I use amd cards.:p
Quote from another Forum (THW) Apparently the issue with 12.4 does not affect the newer cards i.e.. 5000, 6000, and 7000 series.

"One final note: we learned from a blue post on Battle.net that AMD's Catalyst 12.4 driver won't be supported in Diablo III. According to a follow-up response at PC Perspective from AMD representative Robert Hallock, some of the older Radeon models (specifically the HD 2400, 2600, 2900, 3400, 3600, and 4500) may suffer visual artifacts when this version is installed. The issue doesn't affect Radeon HD 5000, 6000, and 7000 users though, which explains why none of our benchmarks were affected. If you have an older Radeon card, you're advised to revert back to Catalyst 12.3 for Diablo III until a fix is available."
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My distates for how blizzard uses minimal effort and tries to milk their customers for every dollar they can has absolutely nothing at all to do with why i feel diablo three is not the biggest release of the year.

Im going to go out on a limb and assume you stopped reading when i announced my distaste for said company. So ill nut shell it for you.

*clears throat* How exactly do you feel this is going to be the biggest release of the year, if the company who created it is willing to give it away for free and lost over 60+ million dollars for their next "hit" Specially when concerning a company as greedy as blizzard.

You are ignoring the fact that D3 will have a real-money auction house where Blizzard takes a cut of every single transaction.

It is in Blizzard's best interest to get D3 into the hands of as many people as possible because this is a game they expect to continue to earn them money beyond just the initial purchase price.

They are not giving D3 away for free, they shrewdly locked WoW subscribers into a year-long subscription agreement at a time that WoW was losing hundreds of thousands of subs a money, and offered D3 as a bonus.

The real money auction house is the same reason they're trying to port D3 to consoles. It's their new business model, and I fully expect a real money auction house to be in their next MMO Titan and that game to also be ported as wide as possible.

Your and my personal feelings against Blizzard notwithstanding (I am not a fan of this new business model at all), I don't imagine we'll see a PC game at the $60 price level sell as many copies as D3 this year.