Diablo 3 Launch site is up....

Yup, already made my little banner. How many banners can you make? Or is it only one that you can use?
Seems like the site doesn't work right with Firefox (at least the 'banner creation part)....... WTH.... :confused:
Seemed to work for me, but I didn't get my email confirmation yet, nor can I "like" any of the other submissions. Odd. BTW, who's job is it to poke this thread each week for the new hero / sigil?

any of you guys that were able to get through the banner creation get a confirmation email?

that site be down yo, clearly a lot of traffic hitting it. I wish I could get my beta working, maybe i'll try this evening. I really do want to give it a good go, even though I already have a copy coming my way.
I created my banner on firefox (couldn't get flash to work on chrome).

No email conf. Seems to be the norm though.
do we just create one and get only one banner? Or do we create multiple and get them all? I don't think it was very clear.
Do you think this game will be hard to find on and a little while after release day? Should I pre-order?
Taking a week with a couple buddies, one flying in. Bars, Beer, Games + Good times for this awesome co-op game.