DI 604 opening ports?


[H]F Junkie
Dec 24, 2001
I found this document over at dlink.se ftp://ftp.dlink.se//Products/di-products/di-604/Documentation/Sweden/604-portoppning.pdf

It says service ports now the game I got GTR requires me to open these ports 34297 (UDP) - 34298 (UDP) - 34347 (TCP) - 34299 (UDP) - 34300 (UDP) - 34349 (TCP)

Is these "service ports" and I don´t have to type in what type it is tcp or udp?

Also does it work for me if I will want to start a directIP game to use a local IP like 192.168.0.XXX instead of the one I got from my ISP? The game wasn´t visible for others when giving them my ISP static IP.
"Is these "service ports" and I don´t have to type in what type it is tcp or udp?"


Not really following that. I'd guess english is not your first language, which is fine but it does make it hard to understand what your asking here. You listed the ports and they are all listed as UDP so........

You'll give them the WAN IP, the IP the router gets. They can't see your local LAN addresses. Once you forward the proper ports they should be able to join your game. The manual for your router should walk you through how to forward ports on it.
The manual actually doesn´t say squat on how to configure the firewall only how to connect it set password and such and how to get the signal through :rolleyes:

I am quite good at english but not all these computer tech terms that I have serious issues with. Since I don´t really understand all this techno stuff it makes it very hard to explain as well ;).

I will post some screenies of the interface maybe you can help me more easily.




oqvist said:
What a killer link how did you find it?

from the Blizzard website for World of Warcraft on how to open the ports for its downloader...they had a link to that site
It did help but now when hosting a game it asks for a password. Now if I put in a password people can connect np but if I leave it blank it still shows up as a password connected server?

Anyone know the solution for that?