

Limp Gawd
Aug 31, 2004
So.. my old d-link 624 died and I got the DGL-4500.
One thing I was hoping to see is improved signal on my HTPC. It has d-link g wireless card and the signal was Low. When I transferred files between machines on my network, the network utilization on HTPC would show only ~7% of 54G... So I got the DGL-4500 and nothing changed!! :( signal is still Low and still same ~7%!
Same goes for my laptop signal wise.
Am I missing something?

As for the DGL-4500:
Pros: Looks cool
running uTorrent does not seem to affect pings in games.

Cons: It reboots few time a day :(
Prolly need a Wireles N card to see any difference..Also limited to your bandwith at the wall..
To see speed increases you need to upgrade you wireless card as well.

As for the signal strength...Check to make sure that the DGL-4500 has max power on wireless. Try setting the wireless standards to G and N in the DGL wireless settings.
So.. my old d-link 624 died and I got the DGL-4500.
One thing I was hoping to see is improved signal on my HTPC. It has d-link g wireless card and the signal was Low. When I transferred files between machines on my network, the network utilization on HTPC would show only ~7% of 54G... So I got the DGL-4500 and nothing changed!! :( signal is still Low and still same ~7%!
Same goes for my laptop signal wise.
Am I missing something?

As for the DGL-4500:
Pros: Looks cool
running uTorrent does not seem to affect pings in games.

Cons: It reboots few time a day :(

I just bought one of these as well, and it reboots all the damn time.. If i stream something from my desktop to my laptop after 3 minutes it reboots.

I dug a little deeper into Dlink's website and found a newer firmware 1.0.2 i think it was, it says it helps stability issues, it didn't help mine! But here's a link just in case it may help you.

Link to Firmware (Don't ask me why this isn't on there product page)

Mine is headed back to Circuit City tomorrow going to exchange it and try another one, hopefully that will fix it.
Glad i just loaded dd-wrt instead of buying one of these, sounds like they have some bugs to be worked out.
Glad i just loaded dd-wrt instead of buying one of these, sounds like they have some bugs to be worked out.

They really do, I actually tried to load Dd wrt but i have a damn wrtg54g v6.0 with the gimped internals :( So decided to try one of these out... isn't working so well yet :S
You should not be rebooting several times a day. Since this is not an inherent issue with the DGL-4500 (that I've heard, and from my experience), you either have:

1. A hardware issue. Make sure you update the firmware. It ships with 1.00 installed, and as of a few weeks ago, 1.01 was available.

2. You have an application that is tripping up the router. I have _heard_ that a poorly written, or buggy, torrent app can do this to a router. I cannot personally verify this, however.

3. Cut down on the allowed connections. See if that helps. the DGL-4500 should be able to handle 250 simultaneous TCP/IP connections assuming the hardware is similar to that in the DIR-655 (it may even be better. We'll have to wait for the SNB.com review to find out).

As for the wireless performance, this can be REALLY tricky. Hell, it could be your house construction causing it. I'd walk around with the Laptop and see where any hot/cold spots are, note the direct path to the router, and what may be in between them (walls, furniture, doors, curtains, anything). See if you can find commonalities with that and what is between your HTPC and the router.

Make sure the Router is up high. It is also better if it is towards the inner part of the house in the room where it's located instead of against an outside wall.

Wireless can indeed be a bitch.

Finally, I don't know a lot about this, but it's my understanding that some N spec gear is not friendly at all towards neighbors, and just slamms the crap out of everyone around it. Bring up your wireless app and see how many access points are around you. If any of them are beaming out major signal, see if you can find out which neighbor it is and see if they will try changing the channel. I have personally had to do this myself.

Oh, and the answer will not always make sense. Just do what works :)

So.. my old d-link 624 died and I got the DGL-4500.
One thing I was hoping to see is improved signal on my HTPC. It has d-link g wireless card and the signal was Low. When I transferred files between machines on my network, the network utilization on HTPC would show only ~7% of 54G... So I got the DGL-4500 and nothing changed!! :( signal is still Low and still same ~7%!
Same goes for my laptop signal wise.
Am I missing something?

As for the DGL-4500:
Pros: Looks cool
running uTorrent does not seem to affect pings in games.

Cons: It reboots few time a day :(
Interesting. I haven't had that issue yet, nor heard of it until here today.

You guys should go into PM and compare notes to see if you have a common app/component involved...

I just bought one of these as well, and it reboots all the damn time.. If i stream something from my desktop to my laptop after 3 minutes it reboots.

I dug a little deeper into Dlink's website and found a newer firmware 1.0.2 i think it was, it says it helps stability issues, it didn't help mine! But here's a link just in case it may help you.

Link to Firmware (Don't ask me why this isn't on there product page)

Mine is headed back to Circuit City tomorrow going to exchange it and try another one, hopefully that will fix it.
installed 1.02 firmware it claims:
¤ Updated OLED Display.
¤ Improved Overall Stability.

I'll let you know in a few days if it helped.
installed 1.02 firmware it claims:
¤ Updated OLED Display.
¤ Improved Overall Stability.

I'll let you know in a few days if it helped.

I think the OLED stays on for a longer period.I wish you could set the time limit in the options though.
It looks like 1.02 fixed the stabily problem.
over 3 days up and running.
They changed the novigation of the OLE.. I find later a bit easier to use.
I've only found FW 1.01, but people keep mentioning 1.02... am I missing something?