DGL-4300 Question

Dec 28, 2006
I love this router but have decided to try and block some sites from the kids. I need to talk with someone familiar with this router to help me out. Any takers?
Not having any problems , I just don't understand how to block access to a couple of sites. I thought that it was able to do this but now I'm not sure. Do you have some pointers or maybe there's something I'm not understanding.Thanks for replying.
You could use Advanced / Inbound Filter and deny an IP range which covers the desired site.

The other options include a white list, which is nearly impossible to maintain, and the subscription based sentinel services, $30/year, which should allow you to add your sites to their blacklist.
This is one of the huge improvements the new DGL-4500 has over the DGL-4300.

The DGL-4300, if you enable the filter, requires you to list every single web site you want to ALLOW. It blocks everything else. That is a royal pain in the ass.

the DGL-4500 allows you to set the list for ALLOW or DENY. In other words, you can set it to DENY, and only list the sites you want to block (by url). Everything else is allowed.

Sadly, the DGL-4500 firmware did take one back step from the DGL-4300, and that's in the area of the MAC address filter.

In the DGL-4300, you could enable the MAC Address Filter, and tell it to only apply to Wireless, Wired or Both. The DGL-4500 has taken on the same method the DIR-655 uses, which is the MAC filter, if turned on, is automatically applied to BOTH the Wireless and WIRED Lans. This is incredibly stupid, and makes the feature basically useless. No one is going to sit there and enter the MAC of every LAN based device they want to allow through.

So, in the DGL-4500, they fixed one feature, and seriously broke another. What's funny is it's the same sort of feature (allowing or blocking) and they fixed one and broke the other.

These developers really confuse me sometimes :)
Hey , thanks for replying. I kind of figured that was the deal. I am not even going to try to set a white list. Does anyone think that there might be a firmware update for the 4300 to include a site denial feature or maybe there's a third party firmware available? I haven't had this router for even a year yet and don't want to have to buy another just for that feature.:( How about maybe some easy software? I haven't Googled yet but I suppose that's the next step.:rolleyes:
The DGL-4300 is at V1.8, and since that router is at EOL unless there is a major bug or security issue found, I doubt it see's any more updates.
I do have the current firmware so I guess I'll just wait to get a new one and see about finding some software to do the job. Thanks for replying.