DFI NF4 Ultra-D XP install problem


Limp Gawd
Oct 17, 2005
I've had this computer running for a year Raid0 without problems. Recently I have been getting BSOD's for random programs. Overclocked, and stock speeds.
I reformatted, and tried installing windows XP, I would get to the GUI interface, all files would load, when the "Time remaining" reached 0 on the install, the computer would automatically reboot, no prompt, nothing. Next time the computer would start up, I get a BSOD past the XP loading screen. Below is the error, and it's the same every time.


STOP: 0x0000006B (0xc0000102, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

Searching microsoft for this error mentions something about a "GoBack" program. I dont use anti-virus, never have. Never used this program either.

Now, I've tried everything to get this to work. The CPU is fine, the RAM is fine, I'm feeling the HD's are problematic. I ran CHKDSK and it found errors and fixed them. I thought I was in the clear until the BSOD again after another fresh format and install.

The only thing I can think of that is different is when I install the SATA Raid Drivers via floppy, everything is good, then it proceeds to the XP setup screen. After formatting, I get a prompt that looks the same as the SATA raid Driver screen, except it asks to copy the "NVIDIA SATA SCSI" drivers from floppy.
The options are to hit ENTER with the floppy in, or F3 to cancel. I insert the floppy again, and all proceeds normal. I believe this is the problem.
I dont remember there being a screen asking for SCSI raid drivers. But, I cannot proceed with the installation without giving the screen something.

This problem has me tearing my hair out. Please anyone, I've tried fixing the boot sector and MBR with no luck fixing the issue. I know everything is being done properly, but no luck.

Anyone have insight into this issue?