DFI NF3 Ultra any news


Limp Gawd
Aug 16, 2004
i have pretty much looked everywhere even dfistreet for some info on when and if they are going to be releaseing a new revision of it. most of what i have heard is rumors.
just seeing if anyone knows something.
would like to get this board but only if its got its probs mostly fixed.
if i have to wait too long i will just get the msi neo2
I'm happy with mine - the first rev. Running the latest non-beta BIOS. I have an X2 3800+ @ 2.5GHz 100% stable... memory @ 250MHz 1T. I love it.
I'm happy with mine, too. First rev, I'm even still runnin stock bios. Its stable at 250x11(1T), with enough vcore. I know alot of people had problems, I've read the whole thread at dfistreet. I haven't had any problems with mine aside from teh skewed voltage readings.