DFI LanParty UT RDX200 Cross-Fire AMD

Apparently the people having problems with them are those using phase change units. I haven't heard of the 3v problem on air or water-cooled systems, yet :)

I could be wrong...
Personally, I'd wait on that board until more info comes out on it. It seems like it's a little buggy right now.
I wouldn't get one of these until they use the updated SB or Uli one and would probably get an Asus brand not a DFI they are a cheapo brand.
bertbuddy said:
Has anybody heard any information on this motherboard...

I read oneo f the reviews and got really scared....

I read at newegg

Don't be scared the board works great. The issues with the board were related to early versions. DFI has 4 revs of the board. Rev 01 was a very early version that had the most trouble. Rev 02 runs fine but if you remove the battery durning a CMOS clear it could fry the CPU. Rev 03 is now the most common. It is ATI certified and has no known physical problems. If you ordered one from Newegg this version is most likely the one you will get. Rev 04 is the most current version. It is also ATI certified. The difference between 03 and 04 is the electronic component that splits the PCI-E lanes for dual card. From what I have been told this was done to allow faster production. Not a "FIX".

I have built systems on Rev 02...03 and I have an 04 sample for testing. All of them have run great. I have tested with 850....850 CF...X1800 and X1800 CF. I would make sure to get an 03 or 04 just to make sure there are no issues.

The most important thing to do with this board is to flash the bios before you install the OS.

Use the newest beta bios. (Dec 12)


The reason to install the OS (or reinstall) is that this bios has enough changes to cause things to not work properly after you have flashed. (Many 3d apps will not load after the flash.)

Other note: The South bridge issue is crap. I guess if you benchmark your USB performance this board could have an issue. I use a 2.5" USB Harddrive and a Flash drive on mine all the time. I cannot tell the difference between it and the NF4 boards I use. (DFI and Asus)

Additional note: I have built a system on the Asus A8R-MVP. The board is far more simple. (AKA stripped down.) It is a good board but is even less featured than the ATI reference board. If you want a cheap stable Crossfire board it is a good choice. The Asus is easier to setup.....and the ULI south bridge does allow SATA II (not that it really matters) but it has 4 less SATA ports, one less NIC, and the spacing between the videocards in CF is very tight. (X1800 XT cards the HSF touches the other card.)
Humble_Magii said:
I wouldn't get one of these until they use the updated SB or Uli one and would probably get an Asus brand not a DFI they are a cheapo brand.

What? DFI is far from a "cheapo" brand.
I'm stuck between the DFI and Asus CrossFire motherboards. The new revisions of the RDX200 seem to have fixed all of the past issues with the motherboard. The A8R-MVP is a great overclocker and should be able to reach 325 HTT + using the beta BIOS. The Asus motherboard can overclock like beast given its midrange price. From what I've heard both are great boards, and based on the reviews you really cannot go wrong with either one.

The A8R-MVP is great for overclockers on a budget and would be a better choice for someone new to the world of overclocking. The DFI motherboard is more for extreme overclockers that need very possible tweaking option.
Stellar said:
What? DFI is far from a "cheapo" brand.

You must be new to PC's because DFI has been cheapo it's only the lanparty line that sets them apart from anyone else. Sometimes you find a diamond in the rough but honestly they remain cheapo until they can show more support and stability across a wide platform of intel amd etc etc.
I ordered one the first week they were on the 'egg and it was a dud. The one I have now has no major problems at all and runs very well. TONS of bios options....overall its a nice board. Not worth $200 but its a nice board anyway. Using the 11/23 bios.
Humble_Magii said:
You must be new to PC's because DFI has been cheapo it's only the lanparty line that sets them apart from anyone else. Sometimes you find a diamond in the rough but honestly they remain cheapo until they can show more support and stability across a wide platform of intel amd etc etc.

I'm far from new to PCs, thank you... and while I appreciate your opinion I have to STRONGLY disagree. I've been having "dumb luck" with DFI boards all the way back to the very, very excellent Socket A NF2 Infinity board I used to run a Mobile Barton at 2600Mhz.

Perhaps you should spend some time at actual IRL overclocking competitions, LAN parties, or even so much as check the OC databases around the web and report back to me what boards you see most commonly at or near the top, and what boards hold the most records in their respective areas.

As for support, well, none of the other boards I've owned or currently own have their own dedicated forum with in-house engineers posting full-time and responding to questions, and writing up custom BIOS and hosting custom utility CDs for users to use freely.
Stellar said:
I'm far from new to PCs, thank you... and while I appreciate your opinion I have to STRONGLY disagree. I've been having "dumb luck" with DFI boards all the way back to the very, very excellent Socket A NF2 Infinity board I used to run a Mobile Barton at 2600Mhz.

Perhaps you should spend some time at actual IRL overclocking competitions, LAN parties, or even so much as check the OC databases around the web and report back to me what boards you see most commonly at or near the top, and what boards hold the most records in their respective areas.

As for support, well, none of the other boards I've owned or currently own have their own dedicated forum with in-house engineers posting full-time and responding to questions, and writing up custom BIOS and hosting custom utility CDs for users to use freely.
yep. dfi-street.com provides good, quick-response, help!