DesktopX and other Widgets

TSS Modder

Jun 29, 2004
im currently using DesktopX and 3 of its Widgets. im looking for something a little less bloated. DX and Widgets are currently consuming approx. 20.5MB of my RAM.

i was just recently introduced to this site:

does anybody aside from lesman have any experience w/ this stuff and can tell me how bloated it is?

id really like to just replace DX. and i might replace ObjectDock w/ Yz dock or w/e, since i hear that its also less bloated.

the three widgets i will be using will be Calendar, Gmail, and Weather. i may also use an iTunes widget. any suggestions and observations are very welcomed.
Have you just tried active desktop? and building your own webpage?

a sample
juu801 posts and downloads ;)
(active links, and ap launches, coomandline & searchboxes)

hmmm have to hit the waybackmachine here it seems
> 16 October 2003
THIS JUST IN: Active Desktop Doesn't Totally Suck! [Geekery]

of course you dont have to run javascripts or activeX but its pretty cool
and when your using the search bars the returns are popin up in firefox since its the default browser and IE is effectively contained

looks pretty similar

Ive been modifying the basics of that
it is light in the resources
yea, ive seen his desktop before, i was considering doing that also, but i really like my stupid little widgets. :D

i personally prefer the little graphical toys. im not incredibly annoyed that its taking over 20MBs, but if theres a good way to decrease it w/ another program, id gladly take a look.

i was just mainly wondering about how bloated the Kapsules and Widgets things are.
see Im pretty sure its all the same thing, you build a webpage with graphic widgets basic buttons that call on assorted scripts and there you are

the difference being the locations of the widgets are static in location on the page
how to take that to the next level as an independent windows object though I much less familiar with
Y's Dock is a lot less bloated than object bar and moby dock....
darktiger said:
Y's Dock is a lot less bloated than object bar and moby dock....
then ill probably be looking into Y's dock very shortly. :cool:

anybody have any info on the Kapsules and Widgets? i dont mind downloading them and experimenting w/ them, but i dont have a load of time to be fiddling around and testing and measuring and whatnot.

personal experiences/opinions are welcomed greatly.