Desktop Rack?


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 26, 2001
UPDATE::: Here it is


I've been slowly adding more components to my network, upgrading desktop level and SOHO stuff with more robust and larger scale gear, such as upgrading my old Linksys 8-port 10/100 switch with a 24-port Dell PowerConnect 2724. All of this hardware is rack mountable. Until now i've had it all stacked on my desk in a rather unclean and random way. I've been looking for a way to clean things up a little. I'd been looking at the option to take a wall-mount rack such as the StarTech ones and just turning it around and provide a frame to mount everything to on top of my desk. I do not have ANY room for a seperate rack cabinet itself, Not even a nice half rack. I was looking around on the interwebs and came accross this company.

It seems that they sell racks mainly for DJ and musician gear. But those racks are the same width as your standard 19" network rack. So what i did was shot off an email to him and am custom ordered one of his 8U racks, shortened to fit my space needs. I figured this would be a good alternative especially given the price. It'll sit on my desk nicely and keep things organized. I am not sure if cooling will be an issue until i get it. So we'll see. At half the cost of the other options (the wall-mount ones) this seems like a worthy risk.

What do you guys think?

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I've been thinking about something similar for my place, so I'm interested in seeing others' feedback and posts in this thread. A few questions, though...

What brought you to this vendor?
Is the model you bought shown on their site somewhere?
What comparable products did you consider?
I've been thinking about something similar for my place, so I'm interested in seeing others' feedback and posts in this thread. A few questions, though...

What brought you to this vendor?
Is the model you bought shown on their site somewhere?
What comparable products did you consider?

I found him on eBay when searching for Racks.

His eBay Store

The model I bought is their 8u extended which is on their site. Although I emailed him and asked that he make mine the "standard" legnth which is 15 3/4" as none of my gear is longer then that and might as well save a few inches of desk space.

I'd considered products like This and This
Doesn't seem like that bad of a deal. You will have to post some pics when you get it all setup.

(except I picked up my rails from guitar center for like $25 :( )

In case its hard to visualize, the configuration show on Ikeas site is exactly 6u from top shelf to bottom shelf (ok...maybe like 6u+2mm).

You could probably pull 8u from the little table if you move the bottom shelf down (would have to drill your own mounting holes). It fits audio rack gear perfect. Literally perfect. Like Ikea did it on purpose.

Just throwing it out there.

Mines in pieces right now as I want something bigger and have no intentions of ever again paying $15 for a couple sheets of ½" pine when I can pay ~$20 and get a 4'x8' sheet of decent quality ply and an excuse to buy a nail gun :p

(except I picked up my rails from guitar center for like $25 :( )

In case its hard to visualize, the configuration show on Ikeas site is exactly 6u from top shelf to bottom shelf (ok...maybe like 6u+2mm).

You could probably pull 8u from the little table if you move the bottom shelf down (would have to drill your own mounting holes). It fits audio rack gear perfect. Literally perfect. Like Ikea did it on purpose.

Just throwing it out there.

Mines in pieces right now as I want something bigger and have no intentions of ever again paying $15 for a couple sheets of ½" pine when I can pay ~$20 and get a 4'x8' sheet of decent quality ply and an excuse to buy a nail gun :p

LOL. don't shoot an eye out.

It's worth the few extra bucks for me to have somebody else build it. The costs net out about the same with what youve got. + the one I bought comes with rack screws.
I'm guessing you are just using mainly networking equipment in it? I just know not many servers will fit in that.
I'm guessing you are just using mainly networking equipment in it? I just know not many servers will fit in that.

Ive got a 2U server i built with one of the little handy Norco cases, + the 1u Dell switch, and a watchguard firebox with pfSense on it. So this leaves me with 4u left in this setup. 3u if i run the ethernet back through the back of the rack which i will likely do.
I was meaning more of the depth of the boxes, not so much having enough spots.

All of my stuff is shallow depth. Definately not running any large 20 disk enclosures or anything crazy long like an Apple Xserve.
Yeah but that ikea shelf thing is 11" deep, there aren't many shallow 2u cases that are going to fit into that, most routers and switches are going to stick out the back...

(edit) nvm I should read the whole thread before posting... you bought the extended depth studio rack.
the longest thing i have in the stable is This.

Should fit well. Even in standard length. I don't mind if there is an inch or 2 of overhang.

Picking up a SuperMicro 1U today from somebody local and it's only 14" so it should also be fine.
For those looking for a network equipment (only) rack
that is relatively inexpensive and small, Google "RS7030"

OnStage RS7030

Can find them for ~$30 shipped.
As an Amazon Associate, HardForum may earn from qualifying purchases.
Well apparently i was wrong and it doesn't come with screws. So I just bought some. Rack is here though, looks nice, but probably going to be another week before I put hardware in it. :(
Well they wrent in the mail tuesday either. It's not like they're coming from a long way away, only across a state or 2 from Fayetville, Arkansas. its not like its coming from NY to Dallas, or California to Dallas.
Guarantee your package isn't going directly from shipper to you. It probably is going to New York or some other major hub before it gets to you.
Trying to get that kind of info out of the US Postal service = LOLz
I've been screwed!!!..

Err.. i mean the screws arrived. Which means after i get the A/C fixed in my car tomorrow i'll be putting it all together.,
lol funny you mentioned, my office at home has all rackmount equipment as well, i'm going to custom build a cabinet for it, but right now mine is going to sit next to my desk, hopefully match it... i have a 4U server, my main rig in a 4U, my untangle box in a 2U, a 2U ups, and i want to leave room for another 2U server... i'd also like them all to be on a wheels with a shelf above the machines w/ network equip not rackmountable... and a tabletop to match the heigh of my desk, for maybe a printer or somehting.... going to be putting something together in sketchup....

i have a couple 2 post racks but decided against using them, this thing is gonna be all wood, which will make it not adjustable, which sucks.... but these solid steel 4u cases should last me forever
I've been considering putting my main desktop rig into a 4U case, but I do love my Antec 902 something fierce. The airflow is definately needed. But it would be nice to re-claim some of this desk-space for a bigger monitor or an eyefinity setup.

About to leave to get the A/C fixed. Shop said only 2 hours, so im budgeting 4. I'll clean up the desk a little before I snap the before pics. It's a mess. There is so much dust in the air out here in the country :( *sigh, caugh, sigh*
So,, I budgeted 4 hours.... it took 7 f---ing hours!!!!!. They got done just in time for me to get caught in rush hour traffic. But, at least the AC works somewhat now. Still a few issues but at least i can roll with the windows up now and not die.

So,, needless to say life, having gotten in the way for the last time, is going to be a non-issue tomorrow, Going over to the GF's place for lunch, then, it finally happens.

Sorry this has taken so long. Everything i plan seems to go that way though, life hates me.
No but most of my stuff vents front to back anyway. and nothing in there even pushes the temp inside the enclosure to anything over ambient. May change when I start running that 2U all the time. But for now it's working out nice. They make little Rack mount fans in case I need it.
Looks good. I think I should sell my firebox x700, considering I have two of them. Does look cool with two in the rack though.