denied access for file ops vista 32 ult.


Jan 1, 2003
sup every1? I don't know why but I installed vista on Hard drive #1 with my data on hard drive #2, but I can't write to files on hard drive #2 without using run as admin on programs that I use to modify my data files. I tried takeown, calcs, security tab, all sorts of combinations, remove all permissions, add myself with full control, deny inheritance, etc.
How do I for sure set's a file attributes so I can do what I need to it without admin escalation?

edit[here is some cmd line output]:

F:\cstrike>cacls *
F:\cstrike\a.cfg Computer\James : (ID)F
F:\cstrike\autoexec.cfg Computer\James : (ID)F
F:\cstrike\config.bak Computer\James : (ID)F
F:\cstrike\config.cfg Computer\James : (ID)F

A F:\cstrike\a.cfg
A F:\cstrike\autoexec.cfg
A F:\cstrike\config.bak
A F:\cstrike\config.cfg

F:\cstrike>echo 0 > a.cfg
Access is denied.

F:\cstrike>echo 0 > autoexec.cfg
F:\cstrike>type autoexec.cfg

You must take ownership of that drive/folder/object in addition to giving yourself full control.

Or search this forum if that video is too blurry :)

(basically, that problem usually occurs when the owner does not exist on your system and it listed only by SSID-nnnnnnn....)
Hey, I disabled UAC and now I can modify the files. I guess that's that.
Or you can leave UAC enabled and run the cmd prompt as administrator.
Or you can leave UAC enabled and run the cmd prompt as administrator.

Hi. I figured that out too. Then I ran into additional problems, I ended copying all files off the drive and formatting it and copying them back, haven't seen any probs since. No idea what caused it.
Hi. I figured that out too. Then I ran into additional problems, I ended copying all files off the drive and formatting it and copying them back, haven't seen any probs since. No idea what caused it.

File permissions, as was already noted by the other posters.

This issue needs a sticky imo.