Dells XPS 600 NOW SHIPPING! for $10k!

everytime i see something of this nature pops up to my head..
would you prefer to live 30 years rich or 100 years poor
30 inch lcd? that is too big!! it would kill my eyes withing a after my eyes are dead how useful is the computer to me heh??
superkdogg said:
File this under "sad, but true." Too bad I don't know any people like that. I'd build systems for them. I have a friend who does custom auto body who could more than exceed the flame job and with an OC'd FX60 it may not win by much, but it would win so maybe I could charge $10.5K. If only I knew people like that.....

i highly doubt your friend can do a better flames paint job, the guy who did that job is world famous for his "true fire" paint jobs, usually for custom cars - if your friend is that good, then he should be making alot of cash right now doing custom flame jobs.
PolarbearBigEd said:
such a shame too, Dell still using a dual core P4EE for a $10k machine. It's going to suck when Conroe comes out and rapes that thing for 1/2 the price.

I looked at it real quick. I wonder what chipset the mb uses? Might be able to drop a conroe in that bad boy when they come out. Still to much for a pc though.
If I just had to buy a system for wouldn't be that ugly thing :mad: . I'd quicker lay my coinage down for a nice aesthetically pleasing and super sexy GOLD PLATED Voodoo Omen Elemental
GOLD Plated Voodoo Omen
MrGuvernment said:
i highly doubt your friend can do a better flames paint job, the guy who did that job is world famous for his "true fire" paint jobs, usually for custom cars - if your friend is that good, then he should be making alot of cash right now doing custom flame jobs.
Famous, no. Can he re-create the paint on that case, yes. He does a lot of custom work on bike tanks and classic hot rods and muscle cars. He is good, but not famous.

Maybe I spoke a bit to strongly with the "more than exceed" part, but he could equal it or get so close that it would take more than a casual observer to tell the difference. Plus those flames would look better in purple or green anyway imo. For my $10K, I want to pick the color of my flames.

I also applied to be the guy who flies to the houses of people who buy this and kicks the new owner in the nuts. I have an interview next Tuesday.
Roberty said:
That's unbelieveable - 10 Grand for a computer. :eek:

In a couple of months you could build it for half that probably. What's the saying -- "A Fool and His Money are Soon Parted". :rolleyes:

I'd take that over a desk for 10k.....
Well, if you wanted one, well too bad, I just received this from my rep:

XPS 600 Renegade Gaming Desktop Sells Out in Three Days: The limited edition Dell XPS 600 Renegade desktop, previewed at the Consumer Electronics Show in January and reloaded with technologies that can virtually change entire worlds for serious gamers, was made available to customers last Wednesday, March 22. At 2:48 p.m. CST, Friday, March 24, a lucky customer in Houston, Texas, placed his order for our last available Renegade system. The limited-edition, custom-painted Dell XPS 600 Renegade provides U.S. consumers with an immersive gaming experience based on the industry's first dedicated physics accelerator - the AGEIA PhysX processor - allowing users to interact with supported games in more sophisticated and realistic ways. The AGEIA PhysX processor can power real-time dynamic motion and interaction on a massive scale so games can feature large numbers of complex characters and moving objects in incredibly life-like environments. For example, instead of using traditional weapons, gamers can pull down the roof on their enemies, crushing them in a pile of collapsing debris. Dell will give away two XPS 600 Renegades, including a 30-inch widescreen flat- panel monitors valued at $9,930 as part of an XPS 600 Renegade Giveaway. Registration for the giveaway begins April 10 at Dell will review all entries and randomly choose two winners April 24. For more information on the XPS Renegade, visit the Dell News Room. For additional product details, visit Photos are available at
Dark Prodigy said:
If I just had to buy a system for wouldn't be that ugly thing :mad: . I'd quicker lay my coinage down for a nice aesthetically pleasing and super sexy GOLD PLATED Voodoo Omen Elemental
GOLD Plated Voodoo Omen

omg I just maxed out one of these on their site, almost 25k... Mark Cuban, think I need a bit of coin here.
ClintE said:
omg I just maxed out one of these on their site, almost 25k... Mark Cuban, think I need a bit of coin here.

On Their site

Worlds Fastest & Quietest Production PC

Wonder if i could sue for false advertisment and missleading consumers.
Sure it's sold out. And Michael Dell bought 29 of them. Do you guys even believe these went into production? I guess if they did, Dell's board knows what they're getting for Christmas this year. :p

What a bunch of marketing bs. talk about artificially creating demand and then limiting supply. Why did Dell only make 30? It's not as though they would have trouble getting the parts. Why bother with an offering that's revenue is less than what Dell sells in 3 minutes? $55 billion in annual sales / 365 days / 24 hours/ 60 minutes = $100k/ minute

think about all the PR they got for that $300k. I'm sure it was a no brainer for them.
monkeysauce said:
...and your damages would be?

if i could sue i would buy on, then my damages would be $25k + and of course you have to toss in "emotinal damage" when my friends and others made fun of me and hurt my ego :)