Dell XPS Gen 4"

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Oct 31, 2004
This is a long shot, but does anyone on this forum have a Dell XPS Gen 4 ?

If you do, please post your thoughts and experiences.
I bought the xps system 3.6 ghz with the 850xt and two hard drives along with the 2405 monitor. It scores 13568 in 3d mark03 and 6072 in mark05. I don't really know if these scores are good for my pc. Plays dvd's that look absolutely breathtaking. Kids love burning cds and playing games. Anybody that says they can save alot of money by building there own is full of it. I researched for alongtime pricing different units from newegg, monarch and so on and when it was all done the price was about the same. Onething i can recommend is to call them on the phone after you have configured it online and get them to quote you a price! You will save alot of money. I couldn't be happy with the xps.
yes my fault trying to talk on the phone and type at the same time. Thats the only thing this dell won't do is read my mind!
I would get a Dell XPS if I had the money. I have a 2400 right now as my Word, and picture computer. I love it except for the fact that it has intergrated video.

The only reason I decided to build was b/c I wanted to learn how to build and I also used this as my grad project for next year.
pabowhunter said:
Anybody that says they can save alot of money by building there own is full of it. I researched for alongtime pricing different units from newegg, monarch and so on and when it was all done the price was about the same..
hmm...really? very interesting...when i did comparisons of XPS and custom built systems, i saved upwards of 500.. o_0

I almost went the route of building a amd machine. Spent months reading everything I could and waited for the dfi boards to be released. Then started pricing and couldn't believe the little difference in building versus's a dell top end. I agree it would be nice to build your own but with me time wise with work and nobody around to help if i ran into problems i went with the dell. Hope you have good luck building your own?
Its up. I built it this weekend. Just wish I didn't have to use an old CRT monitor, mouse, and keyboard. I hope to upgrade those soon!
pabowhunter said:
I almost went the route of building a amd machine. Spent months reading everything I could and waited for the dfi boards to be released. Then started pricing and couldn't believe the little difference in building versus's a dell top end. I agree it would be nice to build your own but with me time wise with work and nobody around to help if i ran into problems i went with the dell. Hope you have good luck building your own?
Mine build took a bit to work out the kinks, but it works well now. Guess we'll have to scratch off "money" off our list of pros for custom built rigs. :(

Still got the "have-more-fun" one :p :D
You're not saving any money in the long run buying a dead-end system...just my opinion.
Isn't that the truth! Nothing cheap anymore, doesn't matter if you build or buy one already built. I miss the days when my parents payed for everything. Those days are long gone. My kids think I have a money tree outback... :)
Ahh the day when my parents paid for everything! Now building a $700+ system takes me awhile being only 16. lol

But I managed to do it.
Hey, Don't be complaining I build my PC's from allowance money..8$ a week..LOL :rolleyes:
I'm not complaining. I just say it takes awhile. It does suck when you have to save just by 8-10 bucks a week. I mean that means no going to the movies or going out to eat with your friends for a long @$$ time.
wooo I'm 16 and I have a job :cool: 150 every two weeks sure beats an allowance haha :p

but i'm saving for college tuition :(
Truth hurts..As you can see in your poll, Dell's are not liked by the majority around here...I don't know why you are so persistent in trying to get better reviews. If you are so in stone about getting the Dell, just get it.. I have no idea on this earth why you keep making threads related to it. But hey, It's not my money... I'm just trying to help. Along with dozens of others..
I would guess then your in tenth grade. Thats very good building your own and paying for it at the same time. I hope it lasts you alongtime? :D xsniper 8 dollars a week. I remember those days well. Nice to hear that some of you young guys are helping pay for things yourself. Wish you the best of luck... ;)
Actually....I am down to about $399 on the "owe mom"'ve replaced alot of stuff along the way though. Just keeping up. This next report card should help me out a bit. I'm lucky they will give me money for it..I have to get good grades though, or else I would be paying them.. :rolleyes:

(i need a job..plz)
Yup Im in 10th. I do caddy only once a week for now. And I get about $15-20 an hour. But its only two hours of work. Plus $10 every week and $5 for mowing the lawn. I had to help out my parents just b/c they pay for me to play hockey on two teams. And they pay for my pads and since Im a goalie thats alot of money alone. Also to top it off they already paid to send me to Europe for two weeks to play hockey with a select team and they are again paying for me to go again this summer to play with the same select team. Sorry if I got alil off topic.
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