Dell U2410

So is NEC better?

If you want superb image quality and one of the best IPS monitors ever tested yes.. what on the other hand makes the U2410 special is the low input lag in game mode for example.

But the 2490WUXI is definitely one of the best monitors out there and in europe its nearly impossible to buy for a reasonable price (im looking for it in black) since its not produced anymore. In the US things look different.

Still the NEC has its price for the quality off course, but its definitely worth it. If i could get it in black i would.

Beware of the 2490WUXI² though which is a different version and not as good as the first one.
I'm considering U2410 as a home user, so I have a qestion, as I mainly use monitor for daily use and here and then Photoshop and Premiere but not profesionaly, would U2410 be a good choice for me, couse I don't really understand if dithering would bother me at all and as for tint leak I gues it would be a problem for averyone?
And what are the chances to get a good monitor just with dithering problem which I gues wouldn't bother me with every day work?

Well if you don't want to use sRGB (because of dithering) mode you get the full wide gamut color space which means normal unmanaged applications will be oversaturated, like the desktop and icons. (Many ppl are disturbed by it)

If you worked on a wide gamut in full color gamut before and are not disturbed by it you don't need the sRGB mode, hence you don't have to care for the dithering.

So for a normal home user the U2410, WITHOUT the tint, may be a decent choice, if you have no problem with the over-saturation.

Still the tint issue seems to be a rather nasty problem itself, you can read about it back in this thread and chances remain that you have to send it back because of the tint.

So: it depends if you want to take the energy and risks of sending back the monitor if you have a tinted one. If you do, then i think you could be happy with it (once you have one without tinting ;P)
Tnx for your reply.

Curreently I'm using Samsung 193P monitor, which is my first LCD screen, so not shure what's the diference on wide gamut monitors. I'm just looking for a good overall 24 monitor with good angles and U2410 seemed like a good choice in the beggining.

So, for every day work and with decent viewing angles and good picture, is there any other monitor you would reccomend to me?
Tnx for your reply.

Curreently I'm using Samsung 193P monitor, which is my first LCD screen, so not shure what's the diference on wide gamut monitors. I'm just looking for a good overall 24 monitor with good angles and U2410 seemed like a good choice in the beggining.

So, for every day work and with decent viewing angles and good picture, is there any other monitor you would reccomend to me?

Hate to sound like a broken record, but I really like the EA231WMi, it's 23" and not 24", but it is around $300.

Also, with CES around the corner (Jan7-10), it might be better to wait.
In my country, Dell U2410 is 499€ and Nec EA231WMi is 450€, so not much of a difference.

The only thing that really is not what I imagined is that it is a 16:9 monitor, and for me, as I will not watch movies nor play the games, that is a big minus.

So, is there any 1920x1200 monitor (24" would be nice) as good as this NEC outhere?
I was talking to a salesman here in Slovenia, and I can get U2410 for 375€ (company purchase) and about the tint issue, he said, that the shop would exchange the panel for a brand new one if I wouldn't be pleased with it.

So what do you think, should I go for it, is it a good deal?
It'd be nice if you could "complain" before hand and get the A01 installed.
Any report on how much it helps the dithering?

Is this monitor glass, gloss, or matte?

Can you disable the DCR?
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It'd be nice if you could "complain" before hand and get the A01 installed.
Any report on how much it helps the dithering?

Is this monitor glass, gloss, or matte?

Can you disable the DCR?

No one knows what the effects of A01 are as of yet. At least I haven't read anyone saying they have an A01.

Dynamic contrast, if I remember correctly, is only available in the gaming mode. TFT central mentioned in their review that it seemed odd for it not to be in the Multimedia mode also. I think in gaming mode you can turn it off too.
OK, that's good you can turn it off.
Because during games is certainly not when you want DCR.

In fact, IMHO you never want DCR.

Every monitor I ever had with it made everything terrible.
I was talking to a salesman here in Slovenia, and I can get U2410 for 375€ (company purchase) and about the tint issue, he said, that the shop would exchange the panel for a brand new one if I wouldn't be pleased with it.

So what do you think, should I go for it, is it a good deal?

Save your money and time and don't, or do if you pretend to sell it for a higher price as they are much more expensive. I wouldn't pay more than 100EUR for it if I knew it had so many issues.

DCR in this monitor is bad enough to have it turned off. It could be helpful in games or movies but its slow achieving the 'brightness goal' and you see the brightness increasing a lit bit every half second or so.

Now my costumer support said to me today that it is IMPOSSIBLE to have 3 monitors in a row with the same problem! (yeah go read the forums smart one) "The tinting problem is on your graphics card not supporting the monitor." hahaha first it was the VGA cable now its the GC... just feel like to insult the guy so bad! And then asked for photos, ok I'll send you photos. Lets see the next chapter...
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I was talking to a salesman here in Slovenia, and I can get U2410 for 375€ (company purchase) and about the tint issue, he said, that the shop would exchange the panel for a brand new one if I wouldn't be pleased with it.

So what do you think, should I go for it, is it a good deal?

At that price it's a great deal from a local distributor, and it would be hard to find an IPS monitor better. It's truly an excellent picture, from accurate colors to excellent uniformity. I paid $535 for mine and it was the best money I've ever spent on a monitor. The tint issues you hear about are extremely rare, and better still if your local distributor claims to exchange it if there is an issue - you can't lose! Go for it, you'll be glad you did!
Save your money and time and don't, or do if you pretend to sell it for a higher price as they are much more expensive. I wouldn't pay more than 100EUR for it if I knew it had so many issues.

So what would your preposition be, do you have a monitor on your mind that would be worth buying and not over 500€? (24" and 1920x1200)

Go for it, you'll be glad you did!

I see you have good experience with it. So you're not bothered by oversaturated picture in every day use of the monitor?
So what would your preposition be, do you have a monitor on your mind that would be worth buying and not over 500€? (24" and 1920x1200)

I see you have good experience with it. So you're not bothered by oversaturated picture in every day use of the monitor?

Not at all. The colors are noticeably more vibrant than my last monitor which had a narrower gamut, but not at all "oversaturated". Viewing the color contrast chart at I can easily distinguish every band, and they are all uniform.

I've calibrated mine in standard mode using a Lacie Blue Eye. But I found the adobeRGB and sRGB factory presets more than adequate for my color sensitive work. If the wide gamut bothers you just use these modes for. There is dithering in these preset modes, but it's hardly noticeable unless you put your nose up to the screen and seek for it, at it only occurs across a few bands of dark grey. I haven't noticed it in any of my photography work. The only time it bothered me was while playing a dark lit game, however there is no reason at all these modes should be used for games, games don't need perfectly accurate color representation, and in modes other than the game mode there is significant lag. If you do notice that the dithering bothers you I've read on the Dell forums (from tech support rep Chris) that Dell will ship you out a replacement with new firmware that fixes the dithering, free of charge. They will ship you the replacement monitor before you even need to send back your current one. It was suggested that this new firmware will be available shortly after the holidays. I for one will not be seeking a replacement with new firmware as the calibrated standard mode works much better than the RGB presets, it is more color accurate, and free from any dithering, and it is not oversaturated.
I was talking to a salesman here in Slovenia, and I can get U2410 for 375€ (company purchase) and about the tint issue, he said, that the shop would exchange the panel for a brand new one if I wouldn't be pleased with it.

So what do you think, should I go for it, is it a good deal?

brez davka?
Okay guys. I got my U2410 yesterday, but I think I'm noticing some of the tint issue. But with me, it feels like that right side of the screen is blueish, whilst middle and further to the left is yellow/green. Any idea how to check it, just to be sure it isn't only in my had, and also I would like to post a picture of that here on the forums, so you can suggest me what to do - keep it or exchange it.
I only purchased one. I returned an initial one due to a pixel defect, it didn't have any tint issues either. Its replacement (one I currently have) is also tint-free.

lucky. what's the serial number? Or what's the factory location and date?

overclocky check this picture in full screen it will boost the tinting:
mine shows a noticeable green on the left corner and blue in the right like yours.


Can we get our money back from Dell if the monitor was bought somewhere else?
Any idea how to check it, just to be sure it isn't only in my had

If you don't have a calibrator then you can verify the tint somewhat by displaying a pure grey or white screen. This should emphasise any tint that you are seeing on the screen.

Checking for tint is quite easy if you have a calibration device.

Just measure the luminosity(in cd/m2)/white point (in Kelvin) across 7 points of the screen to determine whether the backlight is uniformly distributed across the screen.

AFAIK backlight uniformity and screen tinting go hand in hand so if you have uneven backlight you will see tint on the screen (with one side appearing warmer or redder/pinker than the other, which will be colder bluish/greenisih in appearance).

I have measured the luminosity across my NEC and the results match what I perceive on my screen. I could see minor-medium green tint on the right side of my monitor and barely perceptible pink on the left.
Testing with the calibrator confirmed this. I have lower luminosity (109cd/m2/5600 K) on the left (warmer appearance - pinkish/reddish) and higher luminosity (127 cd/m2/6550) on the right (colder appearance - bluish/greenish).
Again comparing to the luminosity in the centre of the screen (125 cd/m2) the brightness distribution across my monitor is not too bad
with an approx 15% deviation in backlight intensity across the screen with the centre as the reference point (which again matches subjective impression as the tint is not .that bad.
Guys, you have to keep certain things in mind.

We, in general, on this forum, represent the most finicky and picky of users. We are essentially looking for perfection. Dell is obviously selling a lot of U2410s and I'm betting most love them and will never notice anything, like dithering.

In most cases, this is a 24" IPS monitor for about $500. There is nothing else on the market in the same range, other than maybe the HP2475, which has the same green/pint tint issue - which has already been identified as a characteristic of the panel used. I'm guessing all the IPS panels in these monitors have the tint *issue* and that the factory presets simply show more or less of the tint from monitor to monitor. Some are probably better calibrated out of the box. The three U2410s that I've had have all been excellent in terms of tint.

With a large screen (24"+), you have to expect some backlight uniformity issues, if you look hard enough, you will find it.

Bottom line - if you want IPS perfection, hunt down a NEC 2490WUXi and shell out a thousand dollars for it. Even then, it won't be perfect. Input lag, etc. You can find faults even with this monitor.

You can buy TWO U2410s for the price of the NEC.

So...some perspective is needed here. I am, at the moment, quite happy with my U2410. If the dithering could get fixed on the screen I own, I would be 99% satisfied and content with the monitor. Even with the dithering, I may just keep it anyway, I've grown used to it.

Just some perspective...;)
Guys, you have to keep certain things in mind.

We, in general, on this forum, represent the most finicky and picky of users. We are essentially looking for perfection. Dell is obviously selling a lot of U2410s and I'm betting most love them and will never notice anything, like dithering.
I totally agree. Most users will not notice these problems.
Well i ordered the U2410 even after all this, it had a ship date of 12/29 but found out today it was on back order so now i will get it around 1/5/10.

I do not expect the new revision.
Just to be clear to those who have only been reading the last couple of pages, the cheap 23" NEC IPS is not much better - it can have similar tinting issues. The high end UX series NEC 24" monitors should not have this issue, and if they do, they should replace it without a fuss.
The high end UX series NEC 24"

What is this series? I have not heard of it before.
Do you know approx how much the 24" will cost?

the cheap 23" NEC IPS is not much better - it can have similar tinting issues.

This is not correct. I can confirm that the NEC 231wmi also has tinting but nowhere as nearly as bad as Dell U2410.
I have approx 15% deviation in backlight uniformity across my screen, leading to only mild tint confirming my initial subjective impression. I expect some of the Dell's I went through would have been more like 25% deviation from one side to the other, hence pronounced subjective impression of tint.
How do I claim to know this?
1) Significanly more complaints about Dell U2410 in forums re tint issue
2) All 4 of the Dell U2410 I went through were siginificantly worse with regards to tint (however never tested - subjective impression only)
This is not correct. I can confirm that the NEC 231wmi also has tinting but nowhere as nearly as bad as Dell U2410.

Really? You bought a statistically significant number of NEC and Dell monitors and measured and compared them and can now "confirm"? Or is that you believe the ones you bought are the only ones that count?
As big as they can be! The size of my angry and disappointment to Dell.

Yea i understand, the whole Dell experence is mind bending, at one time their customer service was second to none back when they were hungry. Now their just part's replacers with no regard for quality control, it's like who the hell is running that company:eek:
Wll we know how to fix the problem but let's just send the customer 3 or 4 more and see if any of them stick:confused:
Got my U2410 today. When staring at a pure white screen there is not any hugely noticeable tinting or color gradation, but of COURSE there is a stuck-on green pixel about 2 inches right of the dead center of the monitor that is unavoidable when looking at a pure black screen.

Praying that JScreenFix or pixel massaging or something will fix it but if not back it goes. And then of course I'll end up with one that has neon pink and frog green in the corners =(
No luck fixing the pixel. If only it were off in a corner or something instead of right in the middle of the screen =(

Anyway, 1 hour on the phone with Dell later, they're sending out a replacement.
How do you find this monitor,except the dead pixel ?
I mean, colors , black letters - web browsing and windows explorer ,sharpness .... ???
Ordered a U2410 about 2 months ago. First one had very slight tinting, but had dead pixels. Exchanged screen had a bad power button. Decided to return for a refund. Fed up of going back and forth.

Honestly, the bigger issue for me (than the slightly worse tinting on the the replacement) was the IPS glow. Even when viewing the screen straight on, had a good amount of glow in the bottom left and a bit in the top right. If viewing the screen at an angle, the whole image easily washed out compared to an ultrasharp 2405fpw pva screen. I had heard good things about the screen online, but really wasn't impressed with the glow. Especially using the screen for an eyefinity setup (where the side screens are at an angle), the off-angle viewing exacerbated the problem.
Ordered a U2410 about 2 months ago. First one had very slight tinting, but had dead pixels. Exchanged screen had a bad power button. Decided to return for a refund. Fed up of going back and forth.

Honestly, the bigger issue for me (than the slightly worse tinting on the the replacement) was the IPS glow. Even when viewing the screen straight on, had a good amount of glow in the bottom left and a bit in the top right. If viewing the screen at an angle, the whole image easily washed out compared to an ultrasharp 2405fpw pva screen. I had heard good things about the screen online, but really wasn't impressed with the glow. Especially using the screen for an eyefinity setup (where the side screens are at an angle), the off-angle viewing exacerbated the problem.

I just bought a used 2407wfp. For me I prefer IPS to PVA. The black crush of PVA when viewed straight on is very annoying to me. I may end up selling it and just breaking down and trying the u2410. I just really don't want to spend that much on a monitor.