Dell Tech Support: One for the win column


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 6, 2002
I never thought I'd be writing it, but Dell's tech support kicks ass.

My Inspiron 9300 had a loose DC jack in the back, so the battery wouldn't charge and the system wouldn't run without battery unless you held the plug in exactly the right spot at all times.

Got on Dell's tech chat, and oddly enough was speaking with a human in less then a minute. That really shocked me.

The tech, named "Gurmandeep" (not BOB!) was suprisingly communicable in english. I told him my problem, and he responded back with a reversal (saying the AC adapter was broken) I replied that the AC adapter worked fine, and that I had two that did, but that it was the DC jack itself. He was just looking for verification. I was impressed.
Within 10 minutes, he had shipped out a new mobo, and scheduled a tech to install it. This was yesterday at 2:00pm.

This morning at 9:30, I'm woken up by the tech calling to make an appoointment. I told him I was working at 2:00, so he said he'd just come right up. I took out the hard drive, ram, minipci and modem for him just to save time.

He was here by 10:20, out the door by 11:30. Mobo replaced, 100%, new FEET! (yay!) and a new USB jack for some reason. He even used my AS5 on the CPU. Diags all set, service tag changed. I really couldn't be happier.

Dell sent wicked hot tech girl to service my lappy. She ended up servicing me too.
Read the damned post.
Very impressive Dell, I've had a similar situation, when I ordered my computer they got the order wrong and to make it up gave me a $100 set of speakers free + FS.
I had a terrible expierince with dell back when they shoved the #1 CUSTOMER SUPPORT 200 YEARS IN A ROW!!! down consumers throats. I talked to a Very middle eastern dialect man and we had a very hard time communicating simple words like RAM and CABLES. It's good to see them shaping up. :)
Reminds me of my dell experiance

[indian voice]you got to install xp to change the motherboard password[/indian voice]
