Dell powerconnect 2748 managed mode question.


Limp Gawd
Aug 21, 2004
So i have 2 of these at work they were setup before i got here, both run in stock unmanaged mode, i need to get them into managed mode to sniff some users bad habits out, will turning managed mode reset the switch, will it drop current connections? Or can it be safely done during operating hours? Thanks for any help.
The device will reboot as per the user guide:

The Managed Mode button is for changing between Managed Mode and Unmanaged (or Secure) Mode. After a change from Unmanaged (or Secure) Mode to Managed Mode, the switch restores the configuration values to factory default settings.From Unmanaged or Secure Mode (2748 only), pressing the Managed Mode button causes:
• Factory default configuration ( is set as the switch IP address.
• Subnet mask changes to• Graphical User Interface (GUI) login user name changes to Admin, and the password is not configured (appears blank), with Read/Write privilege.
• The DHCP client is set off.
• The device is rebooted

Do a google search for the user guide and read thru it.
Thanks, the manual i got off dells site only dealt with initial setups, and only mentioned that the button switches modes, i guess i found the wrong white paper.
PM a mod to move this to the "Networking" forum. You'll get a more focused group there.
Thanks for moving, i could not locate the networking forum, didn't know it was hidden here.
I hate to bump and old thread, but I want to know if there was any firmware updated on these that changed this behavior?

According to someone who owns one of these that I plan to purchase, changing from managed to unmanaged (or vice-versa) does NOT reset the password.

Any insight appreciated.