Dell Inspirion 531 and 24 inch E248WFP $659 Shipped + $100 Gift Card


[H]F Junkie
Oct 24, 2007
Ok, I just did this and it works. Saw this on

Here's what you do:

1. Go to

2. Choose AMD X2 5000 as the processor
3. Choose 24" Widescreen Monitor
4. Choose the Nvidia 8300GS
5. Click on "Buy Now" and go to your shopping cart.
6. Enter coupon code 4J1M7748R2RRV6

That's it. You should be showing a $350 discount for all Inspirions over $999 as well as a $100 gift card by mail in 6-8 weeks.

This is a much better deal than I have seen on the BF ads. The catch is, the coupon code is only good for up to 4000 uses.
Is it possible to swap out the PSU, and RAM? and what PSU and mobo does it come with?

It would be easier to either sell the whole box and use that money towards your own components, or simply take what you can (proc, memory, drives) out of this and put it into a barebones.
Bought one for grandma, thanks for the post!

EDIT, you can upgrade the system specs if you want and the coupon still works.
^^Yes you can, the reason I suggested you configure it like I did was to push the amount just over the $1000 mark, but still have it come in as low as it can with the coupon. You can certainly get a better vid card than the 8300, that was just to get the coupon to apply as well as the gift card.

This is really a good deal with the 24" WS monitor.