Dell financial direct sales?? $350 Pent M notebooks...

Nov 3, 2006
Anyone ever purchased from dell financial direct sales?

I want to get a lappy for my mother in law for xmas... been scouring dell outlet but not much there lately...but at the outlet they have a link to DFSdirect

I'm finding a lot of Pentium M notebooks for $300-$ me a real good deal. I guess since theyre used - but Dell says they refurb them. Many have no OS, but I found a lot that hav xp pro, 512MB and are still in the 300-350 price range. Anyone have any experience buying one?? Are they in terrible condition or as good as other Dell refurbs? Any info appreciated...thanx.

Thats what id be worried about. You have 30days from purchase to see if you want it though.

Never ordered from there, id be lying if i said it didnt just catch my eye however. Im curious too now.
Snooble said:
There a Canadian version for this??
Not that I know of. :(

Larry: Check out also, I've seen Core 2 Duo laptops up there for $500 and less. Just gotta check often and be quick on deals. They get listed and dissappear constantly. There are usualy a hundred or so up if you check it out at night (~3:00am EST)
Dell Outlet = Canceled items, directly returned and refurbished or scratch'n'dent.

DFS Direct = End-of-Lease products refurbished to "used yet near-new" quality.

All of the items I've ordered through DFS have arrived in near-new condition - businesses who lease typically need to keep the items in a certain condition or risk losing money at the end of the lease.

You're not going to get a cracked/jacked laptop - but should you have awful luck, return it and grab another.
You think that Canadians can take up on these goodies? Even WITH the exchange rate its way too good to pass up IMO.
May be worth a shot... then again, Dell has been known to offer crazy holiday deals from time to time. Might be able to get a brand new laptop for the same price or a little more.
Thanx for the gonna keep watchin....if it gets closer to xmas and no super dell/dell outlet deal I'm taking the plunge on one of these dfs laptops. I'll let u know how it turns out.
Orinthical said:
Dell Outlet = Canceled items, directly returned and refurbished or scratch'n'dent.

DFS Direct = End-of-Lease products refurbished to "used yet near-new" quality.

All of the items I've ordered through DFS have arrived in near-new condition - businesses who lease typically need to keep the items in a certain condition or risk losing money at the end of the lease.

You're not going to get a cracked/jacked laptop - but should you have awful luck, return it and grab another.

Dell Outlet's website states items are either

A) Previously Ordered New - Ordered but never used.
B) Refurbished - Returned on warranty most likely.
C) Scratch and Dent - Cosmetic Blemishes.

None of those sound too bad. I'd personally prefer any of those over a system that has been running 10-12 hours a day 5 days a week for the last year or two.

Either way, both sites offer great deals.

For Canadians, it's worth it if you know people south of the border. Have em buy it and ship it as a gift (especially believable this time of year) and it shouldn't cost you too much with the current exchange rate (~115%).
Nemesis999 said:
None of those sound too bad. I'd personally prefer any of those over a system that has been running 10-12 hours a day 5 days a week for the last year or two.
I would as well, however keep in mind that these are leased systems from corporations and the modified bios on these boxes is very limited - these boxes sustained normal wear and were not overclocked, modified, etc. With that in mind there is no reason that the device shouldn't give you a good amount of time with it. But hey, like I said... the trouble is that, especially around this time of year, special pricing is bound to pop up and that may shrink the gap between a used system and something new or almost new quite considerably.

Dell Outlet and Dell DFS Direct Sales are two different things, hence why I broke them out like I did. Dell Outlet is exactly as you pointed out however DFS Direct Sales are systems that have reached the end of their lease and have been returned to Dell. They were in the care of the company who leased them for however long the lease was for.