dell custimer service


Apr 24, 2005
Just spent the last 45 mins with Dell cs. Was trying to exchange my
2005fpw because of back panel bleed and two bad pixels. Thought I
could just talk to customer service, explain the problem and arrange for
the exchange. Not the case, was transferred to their support section.
After a 10mins on hold spoke to tech in new delhi (I think), had to deal with
a bad connection, sounded like VOIP with lots of lost packets. Anyway,
did not want to wait another 10mins so struggled with it. Told him had
backpanel bleed with two areas on the top and one area on the bottom
of monitor. Also mentioned the two bad pixels. He then had me do the folowing:
1 power off system and disconnect monitor connection at the video adapter
2 Confirm that monitors self test was working correctly
3. reconnect to adapter,. power up system , check device manager for errors.
4 go into control panel, display and settings to change my resolution and reboot
Wanted to know if still had problems. I ran at of patience at that point. told him
I had a physical problem with monitor and it had nothing to do with windows and
let him know I was not happy. He then stopped the useless troubleshooting and proceeded to arrange for the exchange. Said it would take 2 to 3 days to arrive.

What happened to over night delivery that people have been reporting??

1 If you do have a bad connection and they can not switch to a good line ask for
the manager
2. Physical problems with monitor do not require operating system troubleshooting.
make sure they understand it is a physical problem.

good luck
jimboat said:
2. Physical problems with monitor do not require operating system troubleshooting.
make sure they understand it is a physical problem.

Kinda pointless. I believe regardless of what you say they won't do anything until they've run through that checklist. The monitor could have arrived to you in two and if that checklist say's to turn on the display and check drivers. They will still ask you to do that. This is my experience with all companies that have overseas Tech support.
I had to deal with Dell Support this week concerning my 2405. It had a solild blue vertical line going through the monitor. I had it replaced and everything works fine. My replacement did come overnight, but first the order generation process takes about 24-48 hours. Once generated, the montior will be shipped out. You can check the status of your order with the Order Status link at the Dell site. The fastet way I found to deal with Dell support is through their chat client. Once you input your question, it usually takes a minute or so to get a response. If you need the order to be processed more quicky, try having the support agent make your order a high priority in the case file.
I had to go through tech to get it exchanged as well... customer care won't deal with you unless the monitor has tech notes in the file. You can easily get the tech to skip through the steps if you tell them you have like... 8 dead pixels or something... if you're in a rush.
Sounds like it's time to crack open a cold beer, watch some tube, and hm and ha and then say, 'okay, done with that', every now and then. At least a more relaxing way to get through what you both have to get through.

They're probably playing minesweeper on the other line anyway, just hitting check boxes when you confirm. ;)

You should probably just email them. I emailed asking for a return exchange on my 2405 and they've already sent a new one out, no hassles.
I tried that here in Canada. They wouldn't have it. I even included pictures and such. Customer care responded with "you must call tech support and have them verify the problem, and place tech notes in your file, then e-mail us back"

Again, if you're in a hurry, just say you have 8 dead pixels. If you want to tell the truth, go through those steps. Remember, if it's within your satisfaction period, even if they don't agree, they can't do shit.
the_eephus said:
Sounds like it's time to crack open a cold beer, watch some tube, and hm and ha and then say, 'okay, done with that', every now and then. At least a more relaxing way to get through what you both have to get through.

They're probably playing minesweeper on the other line anyway, just hitting check boxes when you confirm. ;)


haha - amen. I do that whenever I need to call Comcast customer service. "Did you plug your modem back in, sir?"... "Uh sure ya, it's still not working". :D