Dell 9200 VS. XPS


Nov 18, 2004
Just wondering what would be the better buy, the Dell 9200 or the XPS? Both are similarly configured and priced at $2500cdn.
how do you mean "similarly configured"
aka configured specs

lacking any info

the 9200 is much more portable
has a better battery life

the xps can have a better graphics card (the 9800 mobility)
and can have HT and EE p4 procs

personaly it comes down to what you want in your machine
SuPeR_GeNiUs? said:

Anyway, those machines are completely different. I don't know that the owner of one would have considered the other. As an owner of an iXPS and i9100, I would only consider the 9200 if I did not game. I would use it as an editing or cad machine. Although with the MR9700 it seems that it would game just fine.
well, i used to have a 15.4" screen and went to a 17" its so much nicer. If you not gona be taking it everywhere and dont might the extra lbs that you get with a 17" i would go for the 9200
Nervosa said:
well, i used to have a 15.4" screen and went to a 17" its so much nicer. If you not gona be taking it everywhere and dont might the extra lbs that you get with a 17" i would go for the 9200

the 9200 with the 17" screen is about 2 or 3 lb LIGHTER than the XPS
The XPS is so overpriced it's not really worth considering. Too bad Dell dumped the 9100. In most configurations it was much cheaper than the similar XPS.

And yeah, the 9200 is better unless you really want a Mobility 9800.

Dell Canada prices are strange. A 9200 is much cheaper than the XPS in the US.
the XPS gen 2 will be released with a Pentium M CPU and a 17 inch monitor.
no shit?

sorry, had to.
A 9100 was a XPS with the slightly lesser CPU. IIRC.
IIRC you could get the 9100 with the 9800m as well...and if not you could do the upgrade aftermarket, same chassis, same removable videocard thingamajig. AFAIK.
GLSauron said:
no shit?

sorry, had to.
A 9100 was a XPS with the slightly lesser CPU. IIRC.
IIRC you could get the 9100 with the 9800m as well...and if not you could do the upgrade aftermarket, same chassis, same removable videocard thingamajig. AFAIK.
yeah yeah i know this, but if i didn't say it some other smuck would have :D
wo0t P4 EE HT with a MR9800, that's nice :) Wish that came in a 5lb package.... lol :eek:
Xarthan said:
the XPS gen 2 will be released with a Pentium M CPU and a 17 inch monitor.
Maybe it will be lighter with a new gen mobile video card. That would be awesome. I really want a Centrino because of their better batterey life... but I also want good gaming capabilites.
GLSauron said:
no shit?

sorry, had to.
A 9100 was a XPS with the slightly lesser CPU. IIRC.
IIRC you could get the 9100 with the 9800m as well...and if not you could do the upgrade aftermarket, same chassis, same removable videocard thingamajig. AFAIK.

It's true, you can put a 9800 Mobility in an i9100. They are EXACTLY the same. My service manual for that chassis is the same for both units.