Dell 8600


Dec 21, 2003

My friend says that she got a Dell 8600 and she can see pixels in some images and some of the pictures are distorted. There is also a grinding noise near the touchpad. Also she says the CD Rom is loose. She's used to 800x600 on a 17in monitor. What is a good setting on the 8600 for the screen?

native resolution. What the lcd was meant to do. Anything else looks like crap.
They have 3 types of screen I think?


each have different resolutions. go to dell's site to check it out, I dont know them off the top of my head.
Just spent 3.5hrs on the phone with Dell Tech support. Reinstalled the drivers, fooled with resolutions etc and nothing helped. Found out she has a Hitachi LCD screen which there is a ton of problems with on the Dell Support Forums. Tried to get Dell Tech support to swap it for one with a Samsung screen and they declined. Turned in the form for a return. Beware on the 8600.
if you return the laptop to dell, do you get your money back in the form you paid?
The WUXGA screen has a resolution of 1920 x 1200.

If you are finding it too small, you can increase the dpi and set to larger fonts. It'll really help make things look big. Leave it at native resolution though.

As for the cdrom being loose, it shouldn't be. However, there is a screw that comes with the laptop is a small package. There is a screw hole under the cdrom where you can attach the screw.
There have been known issues posted about 8600 and hitachi screens. But only with the WSXGA model. The majority of i8600 are WXGA so they aren't affected by this.

And yeah. If you have a hitachi screen about the only thing you can do is try to get it replaced. Do you still have the 15 day total satisfaction for the notebook? Send it back.
see pixels in some images and some of the pictures are distorted.

Well all images are basically pixels:) It sounds like Automatic Image Resizing, but might be something else. This is an common problem with IE6.(a setting that can be changed) Another option would be running the screen at non-native resolution.

There is also a grinding noise near the touchpad.

Likely one of the drives...The HD is on the left side wristrest.

Also she says the CD Rom is loose.

This is a little interesting, I would not of expected a fixed optical drive to have issues, but who knows...stranger things have happened.

Likely a good thing the notebook was returned. The hitachi (WSXGA) screens are not something I would like to use on a regular basis.
Yeah the laptop has the WSXGA screen. It was a horrible time, the laptop was purchased through an employee purchase plan. I think we got a completely different tech support team.
I recently got an I8600 and was very disappointed. I was getting a similar pixilated, blurry look to pictures when looking at webpages. Turns out to be a problem with IE. Other web browsers do not have this problem. Simple solution is to change a registry key value. Goto Run and type Regedit, follow path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main Look for the registry key "UserHR" and change the value from 1 to 0. This should help out greatly.
Originally posted by rykwon97
I recently got an I8600 and was very disappointed. I was getting a similar pixilated, blurry look to pictures when looking at webpages. Turns out to be a problem with IE. Other web browsers do not have this problem. Simple solution is to change a registry key value. Goto Run and type Regedit, follow path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main Look for the registry key "UserHR" and change the value from 1 to 0. This should help out greatly.

Many thanks for this tip. I just got my I8600 and it too had that same issue with IE and pictures. Just out of curiosity, how'd you manage to come across that tidbit of information?