Dell 2405FPW Wallpaper Thread


[H]F Junkie
Sep 25, 2003
Post your 1920 x 1200 wallpaper here. I don't have one yet - main reason for starting this thread.
Just finished a concept t-shirt site with wallpapers (including 1920x1200): Media Made Me . Definitely check out the t-shirts as well... Also feedback is welcome, the site is a html/css table free, close to being fully webstandards compliant.


I just threw some images together.

Playboy chick, with a few nice cars. What more could a guy want.

McLauren F1, Mercedes McLauren, new Corvette + hot chick = good stuff
Mcklain said:
Cant view it, it asks for a username/pass.


Hmm, well today the username/password is:

Actually thats what it has been for a while. There are lots of wallpapers on that site.

You have to read the terms of use page and click a link to get the passsword. Is free. The owner is just covering tail in case someone tries to sell or use commercially the stuff ect. Is free for personal use desktops ect. Go browse, nice srtuff.
chrisf6969 said:
I just threw some images together.

Playboy chick, with a few nice cars. What more could a guy want.

What else would I want... oh, how about a nekkid chick? :)
shocksyde said:
dude, i am LIKING those t-shirts!

great ideas
Thanks, by the way you can order any of them, don't even need to signup for a paypal account...
BigBalla said:
Try this on for size :D

Simply stunning, vivid color on the 2405fpw!

now you should know better than to post stuff like that on this forum....... (naughty-naughty)


(Ozzie right-clicks on picture "save-as".....) :D
ozziegn said:
now you should know better than to post stuff like that on this forum....... (naughty-naughty)


(Ozzie right-clicks on picture "save-as".....) :D

LMAO.............. :D