Dell 2405FPW Color Accuracy?

ben johnson

Limp Gawd
Dec 30, 2002
I am thinking about buying a Dell 2405FPW and I do a lot of graphic design, in fact that is my job. So its imperative the colors are accurate on this monitor. Are the colors pretty accurate on the 2405FPW? A friend of mine said to get the Samsung 244T instead because the colors were more accurate.

Is this true? Because the Samsung 244T is ~$1300, where the Dell 2405FPW is ~$900. I would love to save $400 but not at the expense of not doing as well at my job.

Ex: Are the whites true whites? Can you tell the difference #FFFFFF and #FEFEFE, etc. I currently have a Samsung 243T and I can see the difference between these 2 colors. But playing games or watching movies on this thing isnt that great.

Here is the image, you should see the different shades of white. I can see the differences on my current monitor. I have to squint and really look close, but I can see them.:

Thanks a lot for your help.
They all look the same to me, and I spent about 2 hours playing with my monitor last night when I was bored, and got the colour way more accurate than it was before.

But I'm on a Viewsonic E90-F, CRT.

I used a few different colour calibration guides on the internet, all of them seems pretty similar, and I ended up with very very close results.

Well can you see the borders between the different whites? Thats where you can tell a difference, if you can see the borders.
I see the different shades.

I would bet, the Samsung is better, I mean your paying an extra 400, but ya.

Edit- now that you replied, I can see the borders, only because you told me, to more or less look for that.

But at first glance, without reading the post, It was the light to dark, right off the bat
I have an older ViewSonic LCD (VX800) and I had to drop that picture into Photoshop just to make sure there actually were different colors :) Can't tell the colors apart at all, only if I take a piece from the left and stick it over top of the right do I see a very faint difference.
On my $89 17" CRT, the only difference I can see are the last two blocks, which I can just faintly make out.
I can sort of see the difference on my FW900 CRT, It gets darker from left to right with FAFAFA being the darkest column.