Dell 2001FP or 2005FPW $507 Shipped or 1905FP $368 Shipped


[H]F Junkie
Sep 25, 2003
If you aren't waiting for the 2405FPW...

Both the 2001FP and 2005FPW sell for $749 each

Enter coupon 40F961WD2MTG0K for 25% off
and enter 14?J2KVM?N8J21 for $55 off $475

1905FP sells for $529

Enter coupon HQCKNWZC04MJLG for 20% off
and 14?J2KVM?N8J21 for $55 off

holy crap..holding every urge in NOT to buy it.....507 out the door...oh man

are these coupons one time usage?
Well, the 8ms panel's are a little cheaper and have a better conrast ratio and response time.

Tom's did a pretty good write up on the19" 8ms panels. Now you loose a little real estate but gain a better contrast ratio, brightness and response time.

The Hyundai ImageQuest L90D+ (300 CD/M2, 700:1, 8ms) will set you back about 420.00 on (Link).

If you really want to dig into the 19" LCD Panels (I had an old LG 19" CRT fail on me) , then you need to look at a couple of articles;
  • Anand Tech's 19" LCD Guide: LINK
  • Tom's Hardware 19" LCD Round Up: LINK
  • PC World's Top 10 19" LCD's: LINK
  • CompReview's How to buy an LCD Guide: LINK

Now, cuz I knew you were gonna ask, I looked at the following panels;
  • Viewsonic Q190MB Link
  • NuTech L921G Link
  • BenQ FP931 Link
  • Phillips 190X5 Link
  • ViewSonic VP912b LINK
  • Hyundai ImageQuest L90D+ (see above)

All of these are at or below 16ms on response times with the ViewSonic VP912b being 12ms and the ImageQuest L90D+ being 8ms. I'll be buying the L90D+ if you hadn't guessed.

EDIT: For those of you running out to buy the wide screen model of the 20" LCD, don't forget to think about aspect ratio's.
I wish I had money, I'd get this in a heartbeat if I did. Though the 2001fp comes out to $551.49 shipped (tax and some enviromental fee)
How about this...

Dell 1905FP 19 inch Flat Panel Monitor $498.00 a cheap jew...i got a nice Mitsuibishi 900U that has been working since 1999. If that died get 2x2001FP's right now. damnt.
anyway, I bit... Yes, screw judgement. I'll justify it later!!

damn!!! with tax, came to $561 :(.

ninja edit: hold on, it seems im mistaken. seems Dell does not charge tax on maryland, so its only $506 :D. BOOYYAAHHHH!!!!!!!
lucky bastards who doesn't have to pay a state tax and environmential fee!!! damn tree huggers in california! gRrrrr >_<
guys, which do you think is better to get, the 2001FP or 2005FPW? im concerned about the backlighting issue on the 2005's. and i already have a 1800FP, you think its worth the upgrade?
I'm going to have to ban myself from this thread before I go broke.... oh well, 1905FP.

Nice price! At least $50 cheaper than the coupon gymnastics I did 6 weeks ago to get a 2005FPW.
well...i just ordered a 2001FP. Has anyone been able to order two of these under 2 different orders?
killerasp said:
well...i just ordered a 2001FP. Has anyone been able to order two of these under 2 different orders?
what's to stop you?

I'm sure there are people in tax free states ordering dozens for eBay
I cannot believe I ordered two more (the 2005fp this time)...

Don't even know what I am going to do with them... heck I am cancelling... :eek:

/grrr!... impulse buying....
Bugalaman said:
:confused: :confused:

or this:

for $368 NEW

edit: lol, i have to learn how to edit better :p

how about the 55$ off is only for orders of $475 or more
and the 20% off coupon is expired
LuckyNumber said:
how about the 55$ off is only for orders of $475 or more
and the 20% off coupon is expired
don't blame me, I was just quoting others :p
hmmm and i get another 10% off through dell from my work...

But yes i will still wait it out until i can get one for under $400
This is killing me. I am sitting here looking at my dell cart with everything filled out just trying to push the checkout button and I can't do it. It is such a great deal but I have spent soooooo much money lately. I just can't afford it. I even thought about applying for that stupid dell credit card but that would be ridiculous. If it wasn't my wife's B-day in a couple days then I would be all over this. But unfortunately the last thing she wants is something computer related. heheh. I must fight the temptation.... :(

I just found out that my wife works for a hospital that has a partership with dell so she can get 10% off but I can't find anyone that knows how to go about getting it. Man, the pressure!

I just ordered mine and gave a Estimated Ship Date: on or before02/23/2005 !

Better be before.
Fireplay, I felt the same way. I even sent messages to people saying that I bought a $500 monitor before I'd actually done it just to see what they thought, hahah.

You do save about $15 if you use their crap credit card... not bad if you intend on paying that off in the same month to avoid their horrible APR.

yeah, I just got off the phone with my wife and told her about the great deal and how much we could save and that it could be part of her B-Day. hehe. She stopped me pretty fast. I was trying to get the employee code out of her but she doesn't know it either seems like. But hey, $15 is not bad, helps with a part of that darn tax. Especially if you were going to pay it off anyhow. I will have to remember that once I finally do save up for it, which btw I am starting as of this instant.
Fireplay5 said:
I just found out that my wife works for a hospital that has a partership with dell so she can get 10% off but I can't find anyone that knows how to go about getting it. Man, the pressure!

Your wife will have to get the code from work. Same with my work. THey have it on there website which cant be accessed from outside though.

Tell her to go to HR and ask for the dell code
I'm new to this. Why does Dell issue coupon offers without announcing them on their website? How does someone find out about them so that they can be listed on this forum?
Bleed said:
guys, which do you think is better to get, the 2001FP or 2005FPW? im concerned about the backlighting issue on the 2005's. and i already have a 1800FP, you think its worth the upgrade?
Personally, I'm extremely happy about both my 2005's (not bragging... ok... maybe a little)... but once the novelty of the widescreen wears off, I think I would prefer to have 2 2001's instead. It's a tough call. The 2 2001's I have at work seem to be much better to use for all my Autocad Map 2005 and GIS work I do, but the 2005's are nice for home viewing of web pages and text stuff using the rotated portrait mode. I have yet to test the widescreen gaming since I don't have a game that supports it naturally such as HL2 so I can't make that judgment. DVD's are nice, but you still end up with black bars unless you stretch the image... so I would say it's a draw between the two on the DVD/Movie issue.

When It's all said and done, and I had nothing yet, and I had to choose just one ... I think I would pick the 2001... Then save up the ca$h for a 50" widescreen DLP HDTV.

Good Luck with your decision.


p.s. Only choose the 2005 if you have a tolerance for all the mention defects. Backlighting is there, period... but unless you enjoy looking at a blank screen, you will never notice it.... trust me... I bought my 1st one back in November. Look at some of my pics I've posted in other threads and tell me if you can easily notice the backlighting. It's only a problem for those who are anal about the minor things in life.
I would recomend the 2005fpw at this price any day, Heck I bought this one Im using now on jan 1st for $635 with tax, You can now get it for almost $100 cheaper than I paid for it. Nice monitor, Just dont expect perfection out of it, I tried 2 of them and they both had stuck/dead pixels, The second one was better due to they were dark colored stuck pixels and I dont notice them.