Dell 1905FP


Jan 20, 2004
Hi. I just ordered a dell 1905fp (20ms, 800:1) since I was looking to upgrade to a 19" lcd and the specs looked good. Does anyone have any experience with this lcd? How is the ghosting? I want something that has very good image quality (mainly colors) and contrast ratio, and have a reasonable response time. I'm currently upgrading from a 25ms samsung lcd. I was initally looking at the samsung 193P, but the cheapest i could get it was 1050$CAD after tax. The dell was 600$ after tax and shipping (15% rebate). Any info would be appreciated. Tks
Your going to see some ghosting, might be a little better then what you had, but nut much...
I'm interested in the 1905FP monitor also, but getting inconsistent information. Dell says it's a 20ms screen others are saying it's 16ms. Where is the 16ms information coming from? I have also heard that it's the same screen as the Samsung 193P. That would make it a PVA screen as opposed to an S-IPS screen that would come from LG Elecronics. Does anybody know for sure? I'm not exactly sure why, but I think the S-IPS would be my preference.

I've heard the same info. However, I would probably prefer if it had the same panel as the 193P. I've looked at the samsung, and really liked it. If it is the same panel, the dell would be a great deal since its about 400$CAD cheaper.
The reason I was preferring the S-IPS panel was because of the speed. I just started researching LCD's and was thinking a 20ms S-IPS panel would probably have less ghosting than a 20ms PVA panel. Is this a reasonable assumptions or am I all washed up?

Dell 1905FP has 20ms response time.

Dell E193FP has 16ms response time, but the IQ is not very good, and it is analog only.
When the samsung 193P first came out, the contrast ratio mentioned was 800:1. Now, on the samsung website, as well as serveral reviews show it as being 1000:1. Did they change the panel or are they just realizing the actual contrast ratio? Dell and samsung seem to always understate their contrast ratios. Does anyone know who manufactures the dell 1905fp panel?
Does anyone have any experience with the 1905fp or the 193P? Are you happy with them? I'm gonna try out the 1905fp when it arrives and see if I like it. I was considering maybe returning it for the 12ms sony sdmhs94pb. I guess I'll see when it arrives...
I've seen this post before over on the dell support forums. However, I have also seen some ppl who were pleased with the monitor and said that the ghosting was very minor (which is what i would expect from a 20ms panel). I would prefer getting some opinions directly from someone who has one.
After reading the lcd article over at xbit, I know understand why the 1905fp (20ms) isn't such a great upgrade over my current 25ms panel. Oh well, I guess I may just have to see return it (obivously after testing it). Maybe the 12ms sony?
Sparrow_69, please do post a review of this monitor after testing it out. Any comments would be useful because I'm thinking of getting this monitor. The price is at what I'm willing to pay. I don't game much so if you could post impressions beyond ghosting it would be much appreciated. :)
Sure thing Synack. It should be here by the beginning of next week. I'll post a little review as soon as it arrives. I was thinking of also ordering the 12ms sony 19" and doing a 3way review (172T vs 1905fp vs hs94p). We'll see...
I would like reading a review of the dell 1905fp also. Comparison between it and the Sony is a great idea.
Hey RGH, dell just shipped my monitor so I should be able to do a review soon. Not sure if I can get a hold of the Sony model though... Nowhere close to me actually carries it. I'm not big on buying an lcd i've never seen. Also, if I don't like it, its gonna be a pain in the ass to return. I was considering also ordering a 2005fpw, but after all the backlight issues, I really don't know..
Sparrow_69, I really wanted a 2005FPW a few days ago, but would rather spend a little less money. I just read all the complaints about the back light issues on the 2005FPW also. Now want it a whole lot less. Really looking forward to your report on the 1905FP. I'm sitting on a 25% off coupon trying to figure out what to buy.
I agree about the backlight issue. Dell's website says it shipped out yesterday, but I still cannot get the tracking info... Hoping it will be here soon so I can decide which lcd I want to keep. Ive been holding off on HL2 until I get a new screen.