Dell 1901fp advice...


Dec 14, 2003
I am thinking of getting this LCD as it is cheap here in New Zealand. I play a few games, DAoC, RON, etc etc, but am not hardcore, but am mainly using it to surf and write on. I know the pros and cons of 19" LCD but just need some honest feedback. Is the ghosting so terrible that it will ruin my enjoyment of games and DVDs? I know all this has been asked before but I need help!
Thanks in advance.
It's been posted that the 1901fp does ghost. I would suggest getting either the 1801fp or the 2001fp if they are on sale in NZ.
I have the 1900fp which i assume is still the same internals, and the ghosting isnt much of an issue. I play UT2k3 on it all the time and dont even notice it anymore. the only times i see visible ghosting is when a dark (read: black) object moves across a very light colored background quickly. it was kinda annoying at first, but i've become accustomed to it and i'll never go back to CRT after having this. my eyes are grateful to samsung/dell.
can't get either the 2001 or the 1801 in New Zealand yet. Anyone else got a 1901fp and want to comment?
I have a 1901FP and I game and it does ghost in some games. I can live with it though. Ghosting bothers some people more than others. If I had to pick one up now it would definately be the 2001FP though.
I had one for a while but traded it for a 2001FP. The image quality of the 1901 is definitely superior to the 2001 -- very bright and crisp colors with no grainyness. Personally, being an avid gamer, I couldn't stand the ghosting. After a few days I adjusted to it somewhat, but it was still a problem.

If you are really concerned, I would try to see one in person to form your own opinion on the ghosting.
Thanks guys for all the adice! I might get the 1901fp and a second 19" CRT just in case it suck for games. Then I can do the dual setup thingy.
How much is the 1901FP in New Zealand? I've just had my sister buy a 2001FP in the US for my grandfather who lives in NZ. We got the 2001FP for US$800 including sales tax. My sister is going there next week and will hand deliver it.

We didn't think you could get the 1901FP or 2001FP in New Zealand.

Scottie P
Originally posted by Scottie P
How much is the 1901FP in New Zealand? I've just had my sister buy a 2001FP in the US for my grandfather who lives in NZ. We got the 2001FP for US$800 including sales tax. My sister is going there next week and will hand deliver it.

We didn't think you could get the 1901FP or 2001FP in New Zealand.

Scottie P

you can get the 1901fp and 1800fp in NZ only with a new system. The 1901fp is about $1100 odd. The 2001fp might be available as a special request but it will be up to $3000 NZ. It really sucks living here for stuff like this... :)
I use two 1901Fp's and do not notice any ghosting. (I was going to say use the search function, but it's broken). I know within the last week, we've gone round and round ( check here )over the usability of the 1901. My nbest advice is to buy it, and if you don't like it, return it. Personally I like mine, and wouldn't get rid of them.
Wow that is expensive. This will make you sick but unless my sister gets hit for duty when she arrives back in Kiwiland with the 2001FP we will have got it for my grandfather for less than 1200 kiwi. Nice to get such a deal - do you have any friends living in the US - maybe you could do the same thing?

Scottie P