Defcon Megathread - Global Nuclear Domination


Limp Gawd
Jun 4, 2007

Defcon is a game that lingers on the line of a survival/strategy game, in which compete as one of the 6 superpowers embroiled in the ColdWar. This game lets you rain nuclear death upon your opponents racking up kill counts of millions.

Defcon was inspired by a cult hit WarGames, and is brought to you by the same people who brought you Darwinia, Introversion Software.

Defcon has relatively slow gameplay, although it can be controlled to progress faster or slow. Players take control of either North America, South America, Russia, Europe, Africa, or Asia. No country has any advantage over the other, the only difference, is the location. The game starts at Defcon 5 and eventually leads to Defcon 1, in which you can unleash nuclear havoc upon your enemies, but be careful, so can they.

Defcon 5
The game starts out at the rating Defcon 5 and eventually progress to Defcon 1. During Defcon 5, players can build their silos/airdefence, airbases, radars, and fleets.

Defcon 4
During Defcon 4, you can begin to move your fleets into international waters and continue building units. Your radars will also show you enemy information that they pull up. You should really finish building your units, because after this, you will not be able to make more.

Defcon 3
You can no longer build any units, however you can engage the enemy in naval and airborne combat. This is the chance to make your move and start navigating your fleet of ships around, and send your subs to the enemy coast, watch out for carriers though, they can destroy them with ease.

Defcon 2
This is where your naval and airborne combat will hit its peak. Battles will be raging in the seas and off the coasts of countries.

Defcon 1
This is where the real action is happening, submarines are emerging from the seas preparing to launch their MRB's, air defense bases are going into silo mode and launching their ICBM's. All out war.

The average game of Defcon bases the score on two things, Kill Count and Survival Count. Basically, all cities population vary, the bigger the city, the more kills a nuke will rack up, however it will not kill everyone. There are survivors and you may want to nuke it twice.

The more survivors you have the less points you will lose. For every 1 million of your civilians that die, you lose a point, for every 1 million you kill, you get 2 points, so obviously you are encouraged to cause mayhem.

Screen shots




Yes, there is multiplayer and it has many different modes.

A standard game of Defcon, score the real points by nuking your opponent.

Office mode
Defcon will run in a window with no sound, and in real-time for no more than 6 hours. If the boss appears, press esc twice to hide the window. Double click on the Defcon taskbar icon to resume command.

The world is twice as big. Each unit is half the normal size, and has half the radar range, half the weapon range, and moves at half the speed. For those who love long games.

Speed Defcon
Defcon will run at full speed and will last no longer than 15 minutes. Pausing is disabled.

All players will start as members of the green alliance, with radar sharing turned on and scoring set to 'Survivor'. How long will the alliance last, someone has to win.

I found this game at BigLots for 6 dollars, yeah I got lucky. This game is available on Steam for 15 dollars, and is well worth the money.
It was a sort of cool idea, I could see where they were going with it...

But it suffers the painful tedium of being so damn slow, even if all the players agree to speed it up a bit it still really boring.
Admittedly I played the crap out of this game when it got released, and it's pretty awesome.

I have yet to play my legitimate copy though since everyone I know pirated it... :rolleyes:
I tried the demo of it, and yes its slow. Not my cup of tea. The concept was great though.
I tried the demo of it, and yes its slow. Not my cup of tea. The concept was great though.

You can increase the speed, though some people in multiplayer might leave it too slow for your taste.
All-day battles going on in the background are pretty awesome though.
Ive always wondered about this game, I think I may go pick it up now.
A fun game, but it gets old very fast. I got it when it first came out, played it, and after 2 days, was done with it.
I keep seeing it at Big Lots! for $6, almost bought it a couple times.
It's not really much of a 'megathread' with 11 posts.

I think there should be an internet-wide law that means naming a thread 'THE OFFICIAL' or 'THE UNOFFICIAL' or anything along those lines causes you to be banned from life.
It's not really much of a 'megathread' with 11 posts.

I think there should be an internet-wide law that means naming a thread 'THE OFFICIAL' or 'THE UNOFFICIAL' or anything along those lines causes you to be banned from life.

That is not what I meant by megathread.... On the board I come from, Facepunch, which is a VERY popular board if you visit it. A megathread is where it contains a good amount of information about a game, it is not based on the posts it contains. :)

The game is over a year old now.
I still play games over a year old.
Hm. $6 is nothing...I may have to swing by the local Big Lots and see if they have this. I'm down for slow orchestrated ultraviolence, after all--I bought SupCom...
Its an excellent game - like a casual multiplayer game. It can be extremely strategic and negotiations can get interesting once nukes come into play.

Age means nothing with good games.

Darwinia is another excellent game by the same company although it is single player only. It seems like I remember reading about a multiplayer version being created but I don't know what the status of it is.

Oh, and you need to rehost those pictures instead of hotlinking them.
I bought it through steam at launch after I played the demo. Was incredibly entertaining... still have it installed, but don't play much. Maybe you'll get me back into it.
I've always been a fan of Introversion and I like the level of detail they try to add to each game that's developed. Uplink kept me interested for far longer than it should've, and the number of easter egg-style bonuses written in to Uplink adds a subtle bonus feature for the truly geeky.

I bought DEFCON about 6 months ago and I have been bringing it to LAN parties for people to try out. With the demo version you can still play against people who own a legit copy of the game so you aren't left in the dark if you only have the demo.

The entire Introversion suite of games was available on Steam at one point as a package, for a decently-discounted price. I'm not sure if that is still the case but it seemed like a pretty good pick-up if you had $35 or so to spend on the games.

That is not what I meant by megathread.... On the board I come from, Facepunch, which is a VERY popular board if you visit it. A megathread is where it contains a good amount of information about a game, it is not based on the posts it contains. :)

Fair enough.

Incidentally, I joined facepunch around the time I bought Gmod 10 or whatever it was, and have to say that it was as much of a hive of inanity and morons as 4chan, so I provisionally hate you.
Fair enough.

Incidentally, I joined facepunch around the time I bought Gmod 10 or whatever it was, and have to say that it was as much of a hive of inanity and morons as 4chan, so I provisionally hate you.

What else would you do with Gmod other than have a fiesta of stupid, inane things?


It's a sandbox game...
Finally got around to tinkering with the demo...I actually really like it, but damn it's slow. Even at 20x game speed or whatever warp factor it tops out at, it's still kind of slow. Would I buy it for $6, though (assuming the aforementioned Big Lots thing is still going on)? Ayup.
I've been playing Defcon for about a year (off and on). I love the music - it somehow just goes with assured destruction. I never tried it multiplayer - just computer opponents.
Seems like a normal game takes me about 30-40 minutes. Simple and to the point.