Dedicated PhysX Recommendation!


Dec 23, 2009
Hello guys, after reading some of your posts in this forum i am now inspired to get a dedicated physX card since i have a spare slot, current specs are
"|Intel Core i5 750| Gigabyte GA-P55-UD3 |
|Asus HD5770 | OCZ PC3-10666 Platinum|
|WD Caviar Black 640GB |
|Cooler Master CM 690 Pure Black|
|Corsair HX-650|TRUE black w/ 2 x Noctua P12|"

i was thinking of getting a 250 GTS as my dedicated physX card.
I think a 250 is overkill for physx, but other's may disagree and probably will, but thats my opinion, I would go for a lower series, 9800, even 8800 series cards for physx, if you have a an old card use that instead of going for the 250, if you dont have an old card, try and pick one up secondhand for cheap, itt will do good and save you from splashing out ont he 250 when you will hardly get the use out of it.
it costs $125 for a 1gb 800gt, $125 for a 250GTS 512mb, im planning to upgrade to i7 at the end of next year and go crossfire + physx for eye candy graphics.
zomg exclaiming topic!

I'm using a 9800GT for PhysX and I haven't been disappointed.
I was wondering the same thing just how much of a difference does it make running it with a 275 in your case? As it seems odd a 275 can't do physX also and not strain doing it.
I think a 250 is overkill for physx, but other's may disagree and probably will, but thats my opinion, I would go for a lower series, 9800, even 8800 series cards for physx, if you have a an old card use that instead of going for the 250, if you dont have an old card, try and pick one up secondhand for cheap, itt will do good and save you from splashing out ont he 250 when you will hardly get the use out of it.

Look at driver heaven's tests and you will see why you WANT a 250 for physx it makes a big difference.
I currently have the PCI physics card sitting in my closet because it didn't do anything special. Don't be disappointed when you see the same...
If if did not do anything special then you either did not try a game that supports phsyx or did not configure it correctly, or you are just trolling since this is your second day here.
Im wondering why you want a PhysX dedicated card in the first place? Sure support is getting better it, but the differences I see in physx and non-physx are not that wide. But support will grow I suppose, so if that's all you want, I would agree with others and pick up an older card. My 8800 GTX suits me just fine
yeah exactly, im thinking about the same thing. Theres literally like 2-3 games out there that actually take full advantage of PhysX. Why on earth would you waste money getting a dedicated GTS 250 along with your regular card? If anything spend it on a gtx 295
it's the exact same card as the GTS250.

The GTS250 is, quite litterally, a renamed (rebadged) 9800GTX+/9800GTX/8800GTS[512].

Oh. So then I'm good to go using the 9800GTX+ I already have in my new build with a 295 or Fermi (when/if it comes out in March).
Well to be accurate it is almost the same as a 9800gtx+ but not the others listed.
It seems Dark Void is even recommending a GTX260 now! I am going to OC my gts250 just in case. lol
a GTX 260 sounds like the perfect card for a dedicated PPU

I remember Arkham Asylum recommending a GTX 260
If you are patient and do some E-bay sniping, you should be able to pick up a brand new GTS250 for around $70 like I did a few months ago.
A GTX260 should be good in order to be futureproof.

Otherwise an 8800gt would also do well.