Dedicated PhysX graphics card as a video adapter when in windows desktop?


Extremely [H]
Oct 11, 2001
Quick question that my googling hasn't been able to answer:

I want to finally get a dedicated card for physx, but I also want to use 3 screens, so that second video card would need to run one of the screens during normal usage.

The question is this: Can I use the card as a video card in windows like normal, and then "switch" it to physics for the few games that use HW PPU calcs, and just use my other card for the graphics off of them? Or is this a switch that once made has that card down for an extended period of time / takes a reboot to switch to physics mode?
what exactly is your setup?

When you play games your only going to use one of the screens?

I'm pretty sure what your trying to do will work if you only want to play the game on one of the screens.

selecting what card runs PhysX does not require a reboot it is a simple setting you select in the NVIDIA control panel.
I will be going to 3 screens, but I normally only use the center one to game (the other two are to the sides for when I'm working). I just want to be able to use all 3 in windows, and then have the backup card do PPU processing when in 3d mode :)
That type of setup works perfectly. In fact, you can also game across all three screens in that configuration :D
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Have the monitor you game on connected to your graphics card and make sure physx is enabled on the dedicated card sitting with a seperate monitor and away you go.
Ok, I did some research and found out about SoftTH. Pretty cool. :D

Only dx8/9, but it might be fun to fool around with especially for flight and racing sims.
Bingo. That's exactly what I was hinting at :D

Yes, it's limited to spanning dx8/9 games, but since most games are directx it doesn't come up as an issue all that often.