Dedicated HDD Backup Server

lone wolf

Feb 4, 2003
I am having a hell of a time lately with my current backups. I am using a 1x10 tape backup. it seems that everyday my backups either fail completely or don't backup all of the data. I'm using CA Arcserve for my software.

So this is the plan that I have come up with. Build a Server for the sole use of backing up my data onto 6 1tb hard drives. I'm planning on using a NORCO case that has hot swap bays, along with a decent controller card, or motherboard with onboard SATA. I'm going to be using Server 2003 R2 for the OS

Is this something that people are currently doing? I go thru about 40 tapes a year, and at 60$ a pop, hard drives would be cheaper.

I appreciate any advice you may have.