Death of the Space Combat Sim?

I read the entire thread and no one mentioned Tachyon Fringe. It was a pure SCS but wasn't a smash hit with consumers. I would check it out. I thought it was pretty fun and some of the space station models are fantastic and fun to fly/battle through. Terminus... there's one I had forgotten about. :)
inner space trial:

Innner Space is the first Windows game with true AI. You fly around inside your computer, collecting icons or destroying them, and once all icons are dealt with, you are allowed to leave Inner Space. Imagine doing that at 36 frames per second, even on your 486? That's Inner Space.

It's basicalyl a matrix-y game, a clone of asteroids, topdown, u select a folder on ur computer and it takes its icons and makes em into enemies.

inda Crappy imho, not a SCS
M4rk said:
The good people that are bringing us a decent Lego Star Wars very soon (based on the original trilogy, not the new crap), are also talking about ANOTHER TIE FIGHTER! YES!!! :eek:

Linkage? If so, you made my day - and that's saying a lot, considering how badly my day has sucked.
dave6821 said:
Does anyone want to actually make a space sim game using some other engine? I mean I don't know much about programming, but im definitely willing to learn, as I always wanted to know how. I'd try and help out as much as I can, if anyone else is willing to set up some sort of developer team?

There are a few projects with Freespace 2 and with Wing Commander going.

I still believe that the X3 Engine is best because that game is already almost completey moddable by design and is consistently being modded by it's huge community and fanbase.

This is a tie-fighter running in X3

Wing Commander Banshee (textures not done)

X3 Terran Ship I think

Sulaco from Aliens (textures are not updated for the engine yet)

Other screens:










There are already a couple of modding software, script editors, hundreds of scripts for everything in the game, and many other mods already going.
Kevin Lowe said:
Linkage? If so, you made my day - and that's saying a lot, considering how badly my day has sucked.
Pick up the new XB magazine, read the Lego Star Wars article, then skip to the back and read the Rumor Mole. ;)
-That deffinetly looks fantastic, but what about online play?

imho, %95 of people on this forum have a fast/broadband internet connection

there should be a independece war2-ish space sim that is one giant universe, and whenever ppl go play their "single player campaign" there are others doing same thing in "parallel universes" which can be teleported to in later part of the game, so the ppl who progressed more can go back and help the ones starting

ANOTHER thing, besides the once mentioned, what other spacesim can u switch to fps mode, or go explore your ship?

ps: and old thread on same topic has bin merged, please check out the first
8 pages
Spare-Flair said:
There are a few projects with Freespace 2 and with Wing Commander going.

I still believe that the X3 Engine is best because that game is already almost completey moddable by design and is consistently being modded by it's huge community and fanbase.


There are already a couple of modding software, script editors, hundreds of scripts for everything in the game, and many other mods already going.
Looks good. And I hear the gameplay is awesome. But....the Starforce thing is a real downer.
Moose777 said:
Looks good. And I hear the gameplay is awesome. But....the Starforce thing is a real downer.
Why did you have to quote the pictures? :mad:
Star Wraith is a free game so that's cool. I played it for a while and it just feels kinda clunky and old-school. The graphics are dated and the gameplay gets a little stale. I'm gonna install FS2 again and relive the magic. :D
WhyYouLoveMe said:
I'm gonna install FS2 again and relive the magic. :D

I'm trying to find a way to use the dx9 patch with my Freespace2 (i have all 3 cds)

Wanna replay in on 1680x1050 :D
I don't know about space combat, but a good space sim is X3. I have been playing it for a week or so now, and that game is a LOT of fun. A steep learning curve, but pretty fun once you start to learn what means what.

Lol, it is the only game I have ever played that I can read the booklet and still don't know what to do. I keep it by the computer so I can look stuff up. But the game itself is amazing I feel.

It even has a few different modes (with the storyline removed) that will set you up to begin simply exploring the universe and creating your trading/mining empire complete with your own space stations/factories/fighter squads.

And the game itself is simply beautiful. Even if I didn't like the game, I wouldn't be able to put it down because I just want to stare at all that beautiful space scenery. The music is very "epic space" themed music as well.