Dead Space..another screwed up console port

It seems to have been debunked??

Being he is an EA employee,take with a grain of salt..I doubt he would say"Yup,we screwed the PC gamers with shitty controls"..or,he could be telling the truth..

He does have a point, if reviewers could point out exactly why the control system is bad it would help. Im certainly not buying it to find out though, thats a stupid risk.
He does have a point, if reviewers could point out exactly why the control system is bad it would help. Im certainly not buying it to find out though, thats a stupid risk.y7

I guess I'm in a minority since I don't think the controls are bad at all. You absolutely must turn V-sync off and you need to max out any and all mouse related sensitivity settings.
Just get a gamepad and be done with it. There are just some games where a controller works better (over-the-shoulder shooters, racing games) -- Dead Space is one of them.

Other than the controls, it's a great port. Exactly like the port with better res/IQ. It also seems to be optimized well: runs like butter at 1900x1200 highest settings on my FX-7811 (2.2ghz, 4gb, 9800M GTS)

The game looks phenomenal on my system. Nice textures, everything's crystal clear, nice lighting, etc. It's an awesome game. Is it a perfect game? No. Could it have some more "amenities" for PC gamers? Sure.
yes the game looks pretty good but it does not have very good textures and is far from crystal clear. that would be like saying HL2 had good textures. in Dead Space even Issacs helmet is slightly blurry. a lot of the walls and pretty much every object such a book is blurry and looks like its from 2004. also theres no way to force any real AA on and this game needs it bad. I also found the lighting to be okay and best and even some of the shadows are wonky.
Just yesterday got my Dead Space running when I forced the vsync off in nvidia control panel (wtf..) The controls aren't really that bad, I just cranked up the sensitivity and the dpi in my mouse. Sure the mouse is a little sticky at times but atleast the game works.

btw I got Far Cry 2 working too with the same method, just forced vertical sync off in control panel. :confused:
you dont have to force it off in your cards control panel. you can just turn it off in the game. also its the actual in game vsync thats the problem because for some reason it will cap the frames at half your refresh rate no matter what. if you turn the in game vsync off but then force it on from the Nvidia control panel you will get normal acting vsync. unfortunately ATI users cant force vsync on from the CCC though as it doesnt get applied for some reason.
Well duh, but it kept crashing on me if I didn't.
whats with the well duh comment? I just gathered from your post that you thought that was the only way to off vsync for the game. am I supposed to read you mind and know that you understand the best way to use vsync in this game? am I also supposed to know that you got crashes from doing that? you didnt explain one bit of that now did you? anyway my comment did not just apply to you as I am on here to help. ;)
what do u guys think about this game vs far cry 2 i got far cry and i dont like it at all.

I thought Far Cry was fun for the first two hours but then like the others, found it to be the same thing again and again.

As for Dead Space, I am a bit over two hours in (not counting deaths) and LOVE it. I'm not having any issues with controls. It isn't a normal FPS game due to aiming mode and regular exploring mode.
yeah I dont how people can play Dead Space at 1280x1024 because it is making me a little queasy at times even at 1280x960. this is a game that feels much more natural on widescreens because it is so confined at times. Im now on a 19inch widescreen that I am borrowing and it feels so much better at 1440x900 than it did at 1280x960 on my crt.
I thought Far Cry was fun for the first two hours but then like the others, found it to be the same thing again and again.

As for Dead Space, I am a bit over two hours in (not counting deaths) and LOVE it. I'm not having any issues with controls. It isn't a normal FPS game due to aiming mode and regular exploring mode.

when u say aiming mode what is that? like u cant shot and aim while moving?
Totally sick of dead space. Played 2 days, into chapter 4...

Yawn, totally cliche. I can almost anticipate where all the monsters will be because you know they all show up in the same cliche and expected places you get them in all these overdone "horror" games. I came out of an elevator and a thought popped into my mind... "hmm, in a game like this, there will be something there when the door opens" and so I just randomly hit punch right before the door opens. Well, what do you know? The swing connects with a monster that jumps at me just like I expected it to. Everything in this game is a sci-fi horror cliche. If I see a vent, I almost always know that if I turn my back, a baddie will come out of it. It's all so much of the same thing over and over again. The only parts I really enjoy are the ones in vacuum or outside the ship where it's pretty.

It's just Doom 3 that's 3rd person (and nauseatingly also, I got really dizzy and seriously vomited playing this game, I hate over the shoulder view/cameras. It makes me sick).

Storyline however is great, and the ship design is awesome. It's too bad the gameplay is so repetative. You can only cut off limbs so much until it becomes totally stale. All the puzzles are also pretty pedestrian and nothing innovative.

I probably won't touch the game again.
Just started this game with high expectations and holy shit the controls are terrible. The aiming is way too floaty and unresponsive, even in the menu. I might hook up my 360 pad later and try again...but so far I'm very disappointed with the controls.
Did you disable V-Sync, aznpxdd?

My experience:

1) Holy Sith, only one opening video? Amazing. :D Doesn't force me to sit through half a dozen logos and all that garbage. Very nice, even IF I can't skip the one that's there.

2) No problems with controls. V-Sync is off, everything is cranked up, and it's beautiful. Not having any weird mouse lag that I've seen reported elsewhere.

3) In inventory, hold down Alt to scroll around with the mouse. Helps some.
No fault with the controls... Remember this is not supposed to be Gears of Wars rather Resident Evil. If you played Residennt Evil including number 4 you see the controls are to good really ;).

I have no problem aiming with the mouse but then I don´t expect to have pin point accuracy either...
The controls are fine...its the mouse sensitivity is fine, its the mouse acceleration that they need to patch out of the game(Like Bioshock). That being said I'm half way through my second play through on impossible mode.
Just got the game, first off, the first little bit is scary as hell! haha. This game is pretty cool. I'm liking the visuals etc, game runs pretty smooth AFAIK. Cant wait till next weekend when I can actually play some of it!

@aznpxdd - If you haven't already, V-Sync off works wonders. It's been suggested a lot if you haven't seen.
I don't see what the big deal is, I prefer the xbox360 controller or a game pad for most 3rd person games. If it's an fps or rts I'm all for mouse and keyboard but anything else I feel a controller more comfy.
Yeah, I just turned V-Sync off and it helped tons.

Eh...keyboard with all its shortcuts helps a lot with this game.
I don't see what the big deal is, I prefer the xbox360 controller or a game pad for most 3rd person games. If it's an fps or rts I'm all for mouse and keyboard but anything else I feel a controller more comfy.
well if the pc controls really were a problem then it would be a big deal. this a pc game so a keyboard and mouse come first. in fact the accuracy and feel of keyboard and mouse is what makes most pc gamers like playing on the pc in the first place.
I'm pretty sure it's more by design in this game than anything.

They want to keep some of the atmosphere by limiting you to Issac's physical abilities, not you whipping 180's and popping domes.
Not a perfect port. They could have made mouse 5 and 6 mappable. But this the best game I've played all year. Don't miss it.