Dead 580, Help?

Jun 3, 2010
The Situation:
Family bought me a EVGA 580 from Tigerdirect, it arrived in a brown box with no tiger direct label on it and no "sign for delivery" setup, it was just set there on the porch. It was not packaged properly as the entire contents of the box could slide to the left and right during shipping, it was basically only padded on the top and one side, so one side of the box was open to allow the videocard ample room to slide. When you moved the package in one direction while holding it, the videocard box would side around inside and slam freely against the inside walls. I installed this videocard on either the 17th or the 18th of this month and it was working fine till last night where during watching videos I was getting "video driver has stopped responding" errors. I reboot and get into a game to make sure, after getting into a game its one giant artifact nightmare and it basically locks after a few moments. I then reinstall the drivers after a complete clear with driver cleaner and the same thing happens.

How should I handle this, should I send it to tigerdirect and have them probably fuck up the shipping once again or contact EVGA? Yes I am frustrated they didn't just spend the extra money to buy it on newegg, but thats past now sadly.

Also anyone else have horrible experiences with tigerdirect? As I've never used them and their "Product Shipping Center" Labeled box seemed like bad quality and taste, is this normal? Really any help right now would be greatly appreciated.
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The Situation:
Family bought me a EVGA 580 from Tigerdirect, it arrived in a brown box with no tiger direct label on it and no "sign for delivery" setup, it was just set there on the porch. It was not packaged properly as the entire contents of the box could slide to the left and right during shipping, it was basically only padded on the top and one side, so one side of the box was open to allow the videocard ample room to slide. When you moved the package in one direction while holding it, the videocard box would side around inside and slam freely against the inside walls. I installed this videocard on either the 17th or the 18th of this month and it was working fine till last night where during watching videos I was getting "video driver has stopped responding" errors. I reboot and get into a game to make sure, after getting into a game its one giant artifact nightmare and it basically locks after a few moments. I then reinstall the drivers after a complete clear with driver cleaner and the same thing happens.

How should I handle this, should I send it to tigerdirect and have them probably fuck up the shipping once again or contact EVGA? Yes I am frustrated they didn't just spend the extra money to buy it on newegg, but thats past now sadly.

Also anyone else have horrible experiences with tigerdirect? As I've never used them and their "Product Shipping Center" Labeled box seemed like bad quality and taste, is this normal? Really any help right now would be greatly appreciated.

I think a distinction should be made here. While that packaging was probably unacceptable, it's extremely unlikely that it was the cause of your vid card failure. If it was, it would just not work from the get-go. You should just handle it like you would any card that failed like it did. If tigerdirect has an exchange policy, use it.
Had a bored card from NewEgg... returned it np.. just get another one and don't worry about it.
Yes, its unlikely that shipping caused this. RMA it and you will be OK.

Question, are you really upset that your family didn't spend more than the already expensive $500+ video card they bought you? No offense, but if they gifted that to you for no cost out of your pocket, then you should be grateful. I'm sure there was no way anyone could have foreseen the bad package job.

Anyway, good luck. I am sure you will have a great working card in your hands soon.
you got a 500 dollar card and your frusterated. I cannot even afford a 100 dollar card. RMA it and get over it is my opinion
You got an Evga, register it and RMA it and they'll send you another. It sucks but oh well.
Christ, talk about entitlement. "My parents should have bought me my $500 toy from a vendor I prefer!"

I bought 3 470s from TD and they were all adequately packaged; retail box inside brown box, with brown paper as padding between the two.