DD-WRT Micro


Aug 6, 2005
It was late... I needed a router... walmart had the WRT54GS marked at 49. Of course when I checked out it rang up for 60... ouch. Anyway, I didnt want to argue at 3 AM so here I am.
Anyway its version 7.2 and the torrent performance is less than spectacular. I have heard of some people getting better performance out of tomato but this thing only has enough memory to run DD-WRT Micro. Is it worth a crap compared to the latest linksys firmware? The flash process to get it to work sounds like a complete pain and a bit dangerous... but if I can get above 100kbs in a torrent it might be worth it.

(My previous BEF router could do torrents, BUT nothing else while one was running!)

As old as these things are im sure somone has played with it at some point ;)
I have a V6 router and ran VXWORXKILLER and DD-WRT v24 RC-7

Then under Administration -> Management set the Maximum Ports to 3000 and the TCP and UDP Timeouts to 120

That should fix your problem...

PS: Walmart at 3AM is no joke, why the F r u there @ that time? Could have waited for the next AM and gotten 1 @ Staples or BB for less.

PSS: Are you sure you didnt get the GL? It's usually $60 while the G is $50

PSSS: I take no responsibility for you bricking your router with DD-WRT. Nuff said.
I wouldn't bother with dd-wrt micro.. just keep using it for a few days, go buy a real router that can run dd-wrt (wrt54gl, for instance, from newegg -- super easy and safe to flash!), and then go return the POS router to walmart.
I have a v4 wrt54g that has dd-wrt from 2 years ago and it still rocks. Unfortunately it is only working as an internal switch for my ftp server right now. My roommate who like to spend money bought a Dlink wireless gamerlounge and made me replace the dd-wrt. That hunk of junk gives periodic problems for no reason.
The DIR-625 is in your price range and the DIR-655 is a little more -- why are we still recommending the WRT54 series? Its time has passed.

To answer your question directly - any flavor of DD-WRT or tomato your device could support is probably going to be better than the stock firmware. If you can return that router and go grab a DIR-625 though, I think you'll probably be happier. If you can afford the DIR-655, you'll be ecstatic. IF you cannot return it for whatever reason and you're stuck with it -- then yes, it's most likely worth the upgrade attempt.

Good luck. :)