Day of Defeat: Source $10 at Circuit City this week

Red Shirt

Limp Gawd
Apr 19, 2005
For those who were wishing last week that DoD:S was selling for only $10, your wish has come true. No rebates either.
the US always get the better deals.. :(

anyone care to help a canadian [H] brethren???
Where do you see this? On their website it still says $19.99. Is it an in-store thing?
Keller said:
Where do you see this? On their website it still says $19.99. Is it an in-store thing?

Interesting. If you find the product on the website it has it listed as $19.99, but if you look at the electronical weekly ad it has it for $9.99. More than likely I would get it price matched at another vendor, as I've never cared much for Circuit City.
cmge said:
the US always get the better deals.. :(

anyone care to help a canadian [H] brethren???

i was wondering how the activation/download came down from steam, could someone buy it here and just email you the key? and yall could paypal it out?
UltimaParadox said:
My weekly ad doesnt show it at all :(

Sadly I think it may vary state to state. Anyone else remember that $400 laptop BB was offering a few weeks ago? Supposedly the price fluctuated from state to state. In this case I think the same pricing may apply. You should just try to print off the ad and bring it into another store and get a price match.

Use (20111) for the zipcode to have the price reflect correctly.
I don't believe this comes with CS: Source. If it did, I'd buy as many copies as I could and hand em out to friends. By itself, however, DoD: Source for $9.99 is a bargain.
this is good as I've already purchased hl2 over steam which came with css. dod:retails for 20 bux. gamei s pretty good too, i played it during the free dod:s weekend and it was so much more fun than css imho
Z(+)DIAC said:
Interesting. If you find the product on the website it has it listed as $19.99, but if you look at the electronical weekly ad it has it for $9.99. More than likely I would get it price matched at another vendor, as I've never cared much for Circuit City.

Until a year ago, I would go to Best Buy or Frys. Then last year, I bought EQ2 from BB and asked them to price match fry's, who had the game for 20 or 30 bucks less. BB said they'd sell it to me for 35 dollars (either $6.00 or 16.00 more than Frys). The manager said they didn't have to match frys, even though the policy on the wall (and the receipt) clearly said otherwise. Since then I've never bought anything form BB.

So does anyone know if this is a loss leader for Circuit City? I wouldn't mind buying it from Best Buy and pricematching if I'm sure that Best Buy will lose money on the transaction.
AGH...*&^&^%%$#@#@...I swear to god this happens every time I buy a game. I just bought it a few days ago.
Damn! I only found one copy of DoD:S @ the two Circuit City stores that I visited. I didn't pick it up because I want to give my friend a copy so he can play with me :(
Phelptwan said:
AGH...*&^&^%%$#@#@...I swear to god this happens every time I buy a game. I just bought it a few days ago.

Many stores allow you to price match within 30 days of purchase. You could try to take in your reciept and get some money back.
Phelptwan said:
AGH...*&^&^%%$#@#@...I swear to god this happens every time I buy a game. I just bought it a few days ago.

Pricematch it. If htey dont pricematch, then buy it at CC, and return that one to the other store.
Ocean said:
i was wondering how the activation/download came down from steam, could someone buy it here and just email you the key? and yall could paypal it out?
hmm i was thinking the same thing... it beats shipping the item out and etc
hmm. snagged the last one at the Union Square CC in NYC. But I'm wondering if they were all out and then someone returned this one because It was in a weird area of the games section...
i just have this problem with buying previously free mods that are repackaged (even as an engine port) and then sold. otherwise great price!
Can anyone give me some insight into DoD's gameplay? I'm aware that it is squad-based, but I have yet to play the original or its Source offering. Would you compare it to CS more than anything?
No, not like CS at all. I would say it's more like BF2, but the maps are much smaller. The gameplay is basically capturing 5 points on the map and when you die, you respawn within a few seconds.
Oh, so there is no delayed respawn like CS? The only similary related games I tend to play are UT2K4, TFC, and HL2:DM, if that gives you any idea of what I may like.

I'm still debating about picking this up and trying it. I mean it is just an hour of work ($10)
dude, freakin sweet. Accidentally bought the collectors edition dvd for hl2 when it first came out thinking DOD would be included once it was released, since im paying what 90 bucks for that pos. Huge mistake, valve fucking ripped me off it just came with a stupid dvd, mini book, and XL Gabe Newell shirt..... enough of my rant, thanks for the heads up on this, bought the last copy at Circuit City. Geez, i never new CC downsized their pc game dept, they only had 3 small aisles of games. Took a 2nd looking with an employee to find it. I officially spent 100 bucks on hl2 stuff >.<
I went to the store next to stone briar mall in the D/FW area
The sticker on the package said 20 but when i went to the counter it came up as 10

Only thing i need now is HL2 and CS:S
like other guy said small selection of pc games, and i had to walk around a couple of times and got last copy that i could find, wasnt even in its proper place from what i could tell maybe someone was coming back or something anyways, GOT IT! and it runs like butter @ 6xAA and 4xAF and everything on high, even though the AA and AF were not recommend settings.

Wish DOD:s would have a test video settings like Cs:s does.

odd thing really odd, was a EA EA EA sticker at the bottom inside the plastic wrap that keeps the case closed, WTF is a EA sticker doing on a Valve product???
saw it at CC, bought it OK, not as much fun a COD2 but at least it's cheat protected...I agree wow CC has waay reduced it's software/games selection...if you already have HL2 bronze (DOH!! Valve won't let u upgrade), this is the way 2 go for $10.

thx for the headzup
yup, valve dropped sierra and ran to stupid conglomerate EA, even though no where outside of the box did i see an EA tag.