Database of Detailed specs/ reviews on monitors


Limp Gawd
Sep 22, 2017
I am not finding a lot of information on 31.5" + monitors. I am mainly interested in 31.5 and 34 inch 1440p IPS monitors, but I am keeping this post more general. seems to mostly focus on TVs has information on some monitors but not a lot.

The main information that I am after is the data about PWM backlight flicker.
But, I am also interested in other information such as who manufactures the panel and reviews of the panel.

I have spent some time in the 43" monitor thread and several people have done testing on the TVs. Is finding some posts on forums and doing some of your own testing (with a camera of varying shutter speeds) a big part of figuring out the PWM backlight flicker information for monitors of these sizes? also has some info on panels and specifications has a database with some reviews and specifications and they personally tested hundreds of models
But there is no complete database or review meta site I could think of.
You can check the monthly review lists I post in the A-MVA monitor thread, they include most sites that professionally review displays
The few 31.5'' 1440p IPS monitors so far all use an ADS panel by BOE (Beijing OptoElectronics).
But LG is supposedly planning to release 31.5'' 1440p IPS including higher refresh ones this year, likely with their own new panels.

Concerning PWM, most monitors nowadays are PWM free. It's only an issue on some of the bigger (40''+) models and strangely Samsung re-employed PWM on some of their 2017 models of all sizes (despite advertising them as flicker free!).
Thanks for the resources that you pointed out.
For the HP Pavilion 32 monitor, I am trying to figure out at what brightnesses it uses PWM dimming. I have done web searches and looked at your resource but I haven't found any info.
I also checked consumer reports but they stopped reviewing monitors around 2010.
I am going to see if there is a way to email HP and ask them.

Any other ideas short of getting the equipment to test it myself?
You can eye-test for PWM here:

If you follow the trail with your eyes while turning down brightness then once PWM kicks in it will start to seperate from a thick line into multiple vertical lines.
Btw. the HP Omen 32 - it is very similar. Prad confirmed it is PWM-free.