DA:Origins on free on Origin


Oct 13, 2008
If someone didn't play that game, and want to refresh the history of Ferelden before DA3 hits the shelves, Oriigin has the DA:Origins (without DLCs) for free in their "on the house" promotion.
Already have ultimate on steam, but why not, adding to my Origin collection....
Downloading now. This was perfect timing as I was itching to play something different...
If it was the ultimate edition I may have went for it but I would rather wait for the next Steam sale and get it from there so I get all the DLC too. Plus then I have the added bonus of having it on Steam with the rest of my games.
Not familiar with Origins. Does one have to download it now, or can it be added to the library and downloaded anytime later?
Not familiar with Origins. Does one have to download it now, or can it be added to the library and downloaded anytime later?

You just need to add it to library, you don't have to download it. It's like Steam - you add games to your online library, and you download it anytime you want.
very nice deal!...downloading now...never played any of the DA games even though I heard a lot of good things about the first one
I've been looking at the new DA game, have not played any of them yet. Just added this to my origin account, will take a gander at it.

Hate that its on Origin though:(
I've been looking at the new DA game, have not played any of them yet. Just added this to my origin account, will take a gander at it.

Hate that its on Origin though:(
Wait for the Holiday Sale on Steam. The Ultimate version is frequently on sale for $7.49 and it comes with all the DLC.
If it was the ultimate edition I may have went for it but I would rather wait for the next Steam sale and get it from there so I get all the DLC too. Plus then I have the added bonus of having it on Steam with the rest of my games.
I bought this 4 years ago for the ps3 and sold it =) Played it for a good two hours.
Played it years ago.

Game was alright until the dream sequence and I had to run around as a mouse. Bored the shit out of me.
same here. bought the Ultimate one when they had it on sale. installed, played it and forgot about it.