"D" to 1000 Boxen and Borging Mayhem! (F@H)

What did you add to the [H]orde?

  • Intel CPU

    Votes: 216 58.9%

    Votes: 229 62.4%
  • Mac/Apple CPU

    Votes: 8 2.2%
  • Other CPU

    Votes: 14 3.8%

  • Total voters
theshadow27 said:
wellllll, i am ranked something like 2000, so it should be a while if your in the hundreds ;)

(according to my Excel statistical estimations, i should be making 20k points per month... or something like that, so it will be 2 years before i get into the top100 as it is today, not to mention 2 years from now ) :rolleyes:

Yeah, but you should be in the top 500 in 2 months. It took me 4 years to get here (just broke 500 today! Wheee!). You can reach the top 200 in less than 6 months probably. Don't get discouraged, with renewed entheausiasm I've climbed 79 places in less than 3 weeks and with only half your production.
Added 1 A64 3000+ oc to 2.1 GHz and 1 Thunderbird 1.2 to the total. More is to come soon :D

158 - 2 = 156
Just added 4 PIII 733's...getting to the slower ones now...

Since I'm new to this these are all new boxen additions. :D

2400+ MP Dualie
2.66 Ghz Xeon (Single proc :( )
3200+ Atlon 64
Athlon 1700+
Athlon 1800+
Athlon 1600+
Athlon 1600+
Athlon 1400
Quad Xeon P3 500 MHz
Athlon 500

142 - 14 = 128


Mac mini came in for the wife so I have that one borged as well :p 1.25Ghz G4

128-1 = 127

oh and I STILL want to know how to add more to the poll since most of my borgs are Macs I would like a better representation for OS X

126-3 = 123

Just got started folding yesterday, installed on

p3 - 1.1 ghz
athlon 3200+
p3 - 866mhz

Should be getting another 2.8 p4, 400 p2, 900 celeron and 2.53 p4 as soon as i figure how to get the service type client installed.

Borged a Via Epia 10000 (1 Ghz)
Borged a AMD Sempron 2200+

Woot! I'm up to 4 boxen. #5 and #6 will be online when I make some more network cables tonight.

Currently running on my gaming rig
A64 3200+ up almost 24/7 aside from the random restarts.

Seeing a trend here
115 - 1 = 114
115 - 1 = 114

XP 2400+ @ 2400 running RedHat.

BTW, this is my first Linux install. Any Linux gurus want to help me configure this properly? My resident Linux guy at work is on a business trip for the next month.

OK, I'll try to get them all:

600mhz celeron
800mnz celeron
2400mhz celeron
2400mhz celeron
2400mhz northwood
2400mhz Northwood
2600mhz Athalon (just added tonight!)
2600mhz northwood
3000mhz northwood
3000mhz northwood
3000mhz prescott


added a 2.8 Celeron D @ 3.2



The [H]orde needs You!
Oldie said:

What kind of math is this??

In Canada, when 11 snowballs are taken away from 113 snowballs, we only have 102 snowballs left.

So, to adjust the last post, we have:


98 to go.

Ciao for now ......
GwilyaGwees said:
What kind of math is this??

In Canada, when 11 snowballs are taken away from 113 snowballs, we only have 102 snowballs left.

So, to adjust the last post, we have:


98 to go.

Ciao for now ......

Obviously, in this case, one of the snowballs was too close to a heat source and melted.
Hito Bahadur said:
Obviously, in this case, one of the snowballs was too close to a heat source and melted.

Doh, somehow I forgot a boxen but my mind still made me subtract it. I've got another 600 cele going, so back to.......

Forgot to add this to the thread when i started folding again in april.

2 x 1.6LV Xeon D1 @ 3.0 (1.6V)

@3.2 when i get my lazy ass up and get a volt meter to mod my ram.
Hey guys, my first post! I just started folding yesterday, but I added 2 boxens and 4 borgs so far for a total of 6. A 7th boxen is almost done formatting so it should be up and running in a little while. In all around 11.7Ghz, 4.9GB RAM and 880GB HD.

1. AMD Athlon XP 3200+ (2.2Ghz) 1GB RAM 420GB HD
2. Intel P3 933Mhz 128MB RAM 120GB HD
3. Intel P4 2.4Ghz 1GB RAM 80GB HD
4. Intel P4 2.0Ghz 1GB RAM 80GB HD
5. Intel P4 2.0Ghz 1GB RAM 80GB HD
6. Intel P4 1.7Ghz 512MB RAM 80GB HD
7. (up soon) AMD K6-2 500Mhz 192MB RAM 20GB HD

So according to the last post the count is now 80 - 7 = 73.

I took a few pics just for the hell of it, I'll post them in the official pics thread.

- Sylverbullit
Sylverbullit said:
Hey guys, my first post! I just started folding yesterday, but I added 2 boxens and 4 borgs so far for a total of 6. A 7th boxen is almost done formatting so it should be up and running in a little while. In all around 11.7Ghz, 4.9GB RAM and 880GB HD.

Wonderful borg, and Welcome!!!!
